> Problem I have right now is time....between family and work


These days I am also facing the same problem (especially since I got married). 
I must say still the quantity (as well as quality) of your mails is incredible, 
many times I wonder how you manage to do that. It only shows your love for 
ARR's music, or in other words your "Rahmaniacism". Very remarkable. 


--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "ichord" <purev...@...> wrote:
> I'm a very musical person.  Music is essential for my day to day living, 
> helping me to stay in touch with my emotions, helping to ward off negative 
> thoughts, helping to motivate, helping to energize, helping to stay grounded. 
>  It goes beyond mere pleasure......it helps me grow, think in different ways, 
> and generates compassion towards others (good music).  
> I try to listen to as many artists as I possibly can....from India, all the 
> MDs works that sound interesting, classical and semi classical artists, 
> fusion artists, etc.  From the West, I'm a big fan of 80s pop, classic rock 
> from the 70s and 80s (Rush, Pink Floyd, Boston); also love techno and trance 
> (Pet Shop Boys).  Also like to listen to Western classical music, since that 
> is my musical background, playing the piano having taken Western classical 
> music lessons as a child.  Also love some hollywood soundtracks (recent 
> example, Curious Case of Benjamin Button by Alexandre Desplat HIGHLY 
> Problem I have right now is time....between family and work, I don't have 
> much time to search new music, spend hours searching and listening to various 
> artists and new music, nevermind not even being able to keep up with the 
> collection I already have!  So, what do I do?  Follow the musical path of 
> least resistance and strongest musical gravitational pull.....ARR.   
> ARR's music is tops for me.  I enjoy his music more than I enjoy any other 
> artists' music out there, yet I don't want to limit my listening enjoyment 
> just to him.  But, these days, I feel I have no choice in some ways, esp. 
> since there have been so many ARR releases in the past 2 years.  If I happen 
> to hear a soundtrack from another artist by recommendation, I will listen and 
> try to attach myself to it, but invariably, ARR has been the center of my 
> musical gravity.  If I listen to someone else's work for a while, no matter 
> how good it is and how much I enjoy it, I need to always reset my musical 
> barometer and return back to ARR's compositions for refueling!
> ARR's music today meets all of my musical needs....energizing music, 
> spiritual music, touching/melodious music, relaxing/soulful music, Indian 
> semi classical music, Western classical music, pop, jazz, smooth jazz, dance, 
> rock, you name it.  His output is so incredibly diverse, that I just don't 
> feel the urge to seek out musical satisfaction elsewhere, although I will 
> appreciate another artist's compositions if I come across a good one. I just 
> keep going back to ARR.

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