*>> **Personally what i felt is nowadays ARR's song became too predictable
hence feels repetitive.Personally i found the 'Sajana' song from CR in most
of the parts sounds cliche. Missing the haunting interludes, more hip hop
styled ,no orchestration at all, easy to sing*
Agreed with you Jemsheed. I still remember those old days when people never
used to attempt ARR songs in stage shows as they know that it would be a
complete mess and its not that easy to sing. But nowadays some songs can be
easily hummed by anyone. But it doesn't mean that ARR has ran out of his

I strongly feel that earlier we had less means to hear music. A song can be
heard only once from home a day. Because we will be busy with our works and
we cannot carry our tape recorder everywhere. So it gained soul and lasted

But when Ipods. Mobiles, Car stereos and various other means came in, we are
listening ARR songs everywhere. When we travel in Cars, songs are played in
car stereos, when we work Ipods are beside. So definitely when we are
repetitively playing some songs in loop. It sounds repetitive and we will
definitely skip the albums so fast, and wait for the next one to release. We
cannot complain us or ARR regarding this matter. Because as a human being
like us, he doesn't know how to satisfy different music listeners of
different taste.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 6:09 AM, jemsheed <jemshee...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Just see the thread 'Listen to Raavan's song by Aishwarya Rai'
> somebody tagged  a song as 'AR's'. Some of the guys started review it ,they
> liked it..comments says nice and simple work from ARR.
> Just tag anything 'ARR', sell it here..
> and the point,
> "Had one valid point from a member saying that probably lesser usage of
> carnatic raagas might be the reason. Reasonings like those will be an
> eye-opener and will help in identifying the reason." is a valid one..that
> need a discussion.
> Personally what i felt is nowadays ARR's song became too predictable hence
> feels repetitive.Personally i found the 'Sajana' song from CR in most of the
> parts sounds cliche.
> Missing the haunting interludes, more hip hop styled ,no orchestration at
> all, easy to sing(may be no use of ragas or simple use of ragas).
> But all the songs are listenable but not having that much life.
> Let us have an healthy discussion.
> --- On *Fri, 9/10/09, sriramvr_in <sriramvr...@yahoo.com>* wrote:
> From: sriramvr_in <sriramvr...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [arr] Right to opinion.
> To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Friday, 9 October, 2009, 11:25 PM
> Each member has a right to his opinion. I have been silently listening to
> the comments made about me reg. criticism of album Blue "lacking soul". I
> Stand by the fact anytime, anyday.. Unfortunately there isn't anything which
> I can take as constructive from those criticisms! Wish them luck and
> prosperity throughout their life.
> Gopal, This group used to be a great forum previously but the fact that
> many new people are fearing to accept any criticism these days! ARR fans
> have the right to criticise ARR. Right to constructive criticism will be
> only a healthy leading indicator and which will be wholeheartedly welcomed
> by the Master himself. But unfortunately there aren't too many members who
> like constructive criticisms these years.
> Had one valid point from a member saying that probably lesser usage of
> carnatic raagas might be the reason. Reasonings like those will be an
> eye-opener and will help in identifying the reason.
> What justification to be given when it simply lacks "soul"?
> V R Sriram
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Farzad Khaleel


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