And I am sure the person who writ these are
1. Either paid to
2. Or they have listened pirated version
3. Or they are musically challenged
4. Or they just want to differ

Imagine how they would have treated SDM music if it was an Indian movie.. Although despite Oscar some musicians did treat it as amature work... And they just want to differ... Any press is good press for these folks.

On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:41 AM, "ichord" <> wrote:

I've checked various VTV reviews abound, and not all reviews are full throttle positive, which is fine. People are entitled to their own opinions. But, one word that I'm seeing being thrown around by some on the web to describe some of the music on VTV is "amateurish".

Am I missing something? The music of VTV to me is very mature, thorough, thoughtful, deep, intricate, purposeful, and very crafty. I don't know based on what type of perception that some people are coming up with the word "amateurish." If it was just one person who used this word, I wouldn't care to mention it and wouldn't care in general, but it's a word used by several (won't mention names or websites to avoid off topic discussions). Someone just recently described the music of "Hosanna" as amateurish. Huh?

Can anyone throw some light onto this? Does anyone else feel this way? If you do, that's fine, I would just like to know why you think so.

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