ofcource he is a Tamilan. No doubt. Lol. Well that shows his brilliance only. 
He can compose a song from any region in a second. His specialty. Something no 
one in the world can do. Proud he is a Tamilan for this fact.

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, V S Rawat <vsra...@...> wrote:
> ooooo rrrraaaaaa.
> Kata Kata.
> What a maddening song.
> This song makes me feel that ARR can't be a tamilian and he has lived 
> his entire life in U.P. at my native place.
> How else could he catch so many such fine nuances of a pure hindi belt 
> ceremony?
> :-)
> no offence. just kidding.
> ooooo rrrraaaaaa.
> :-)
> o the souls who are not yet liking this song, you don't know what a 
> divinity you are missing. just don't give up. listen to it a few more 
> times and give it time to grow on you.
> Thanks.
> --
> Rawat - bheru number 1 of kata kata

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