On 5/3/2010 7:50 PM India Time, _Vinayakam Murugan_ wrote:

> IMHO, it would demean ARR's efforts if we say "he can compose a song
> from any region in a second'. I am sure there is a whole lot of research
> gone into the making of the song.

That is a very useful point you have raised, Vinayak ji.

I would like to know more about such researches. How does ARR go about 
researching how to create a music suitable for a particular specific 

does he google and listen to some tracks from that reason, but that 
carry the risk of getting influenced or inspired. And, all the 
regional specific songs ARR has given so far had still been far 
different from the existing music of those reasons, at least I can so 
about UP area music.

So, how would ARR decide how much experimentation he can do and 
freedom he can take while retaining the feel of that region?

or, he reads books, on net or printed one, first to understand the 
music of some region.

or he meets people from such regions and gets their views.

many questions arise. If someone knowing anything about it could give 
us a peek into the composing process, I hope everyone among us will 
love to know about it.


> Warm Regards
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Vinayak
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/rightplacerighttime/
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:05 AM, Dinesh Scaran <dinesh.sca...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:dinesh.sca...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>     ofcource he is a Tamilan. No doubt. Lol. Well that shows his
>     brilliance only. He can compose a song from any region in a second.
>     His specialty. Something no one in the world can do. Proud he is a
>     Tamilan for this fact.
>     --- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
>     <mailto:arrahmanfans%40yahoogroups.com>, V S Rawat <vsra...@...> wrote:
>      >
>      > ooooo rrrraaaaaa.
>      >
>      > Kata Kata.
>      >
>      > What a maddening song.
>      >
>      > This song makes me feel that ARR can't be a tamilian and he has
>     lived
>      > his entire life in U.P. at my native place.
>      >
>      > How else could he catch so many such fine nuances of a pure hindi
>     belt
>      > ceremony?
>      >
>      > :-)
>      >
>      > no offence. just kidding.
>      >
>      > ooooo rrrraaaaaa.
>      >
>      > :-)
>      >
>      > o the souls who are not yet liking this song, you don't know what a
>      > divinity you are missing. just don't give up. listen to it a few
>     more
>      > times and give it time to grow on you.
>      >
>      > Thanks.
>      > --
>      > Rawat - bheru number 1 of kata kata

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