You could try a table walk on refresh to update all the values in the table.  
The only problem would be that the last modified date/time/person are going to 
change.  Also, could be a nightmare when you have multiple people logged in 
trying to update the ticket(s).  Not sure if a display only field would work on 
the table refresh.  I would have to test that out.  I had a customer that 
wanted aging related information and I just setup filters to show anything 
older than 30, 60, and 90 days on the consoles.  Are there specific timeframes 
they are looking for as a breach?  What is the value of updating a field on the 
ticket?  Obviously sorting by submit date will give you oldest on top.  I 
personally think this would be better suited as console filters (filter by 
field not backend workflow) than it would be building workflow in the 
background.  If you SLA is closed within 7 days then setup a filter to show 
open 5 days or more, open 5 days but less than 7, and/or open over 7 days.


From: ARSList <> on behalf of Abhishek2019 
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 6:32:50 AM
Subject: Re: How calculate the Aging of an Incident & show it in overview 

Hi JD,

Thanks for your kind response.

The requirement is just to show the older/aged incidents on top of the
overview console table for the support staff attention only to proactively
manage the SLA.

I can create a custom field in hpd:help desk which will calculate the
DATEDIFF for the submit date & current date, so that aging can be fetched

After that i can extend that custom field on to the overview console table.

The only concern which i am having is that how to trigger that custom field
value to capture in it the real time aging of the incident.

Option1 - To capture the value using escalation which will run every
midnight & will calculate the value for the custom field.But it will miss
the incidents raised after midnight.

Option2 - Using AL on to the Overview console table which will fire the
workflow on row level select in the Overview Console table - > but still i
am exploring it completely.

Any response will be highly appreciated.


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