That is the point I was trying to make from a comment made. that the licenses are not affected if the submitter field is locked or unlocked. It does or I would be buying a ton of licenses.


Rocky Rockwell
eMA Team – Remedy Developer
Ph#1: 214-567-8874
Ph#2: 325-884-1263

Carey Matthew Black wrote:

Hum... I am not sure where some of your response came from... I am
guessing that you do understand the details, but just to make sure we
(all on arslist) are all on the same page....

The ability to "set the submitter field on create" is not altered
based on the "Submitter Mode" value(Changeable or Locked). The user
and workflow are able to alter the value up and to the point that it
is first saved to the DB. [So all the way through Submit filters, but
not in "After Submit" Active Links.] After that point however if
"Submitter Mode =Locked" then an AR Server will not let the user or
the ARS workflow MODIFY the value.

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