
Actually there are editors (just a sub part of the Eclipse IDE) that
does graphical layout of buttons etc for Java classes. The Editor
allows you to graphically create the Java source code and back and
forth too.

So the idea that it could be used to present the user with an "active
link window" that talk to the ARS server instead of making a *.java
file seems like a very "normal" thing for the IDE to do to me.

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On Nov 2, 2007 3:02 PM, Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE
> Thanks.  I already knew what Eclipse is.
> My point is, the description of it as "an IDE for everything and nothing
> in particular" is key to my question.
> Eclipse is used for all sorts of development environments, but to my
> knowledge those are all *code-based* development environments--Java, C,
> C++, PHP, Fortran, etc.
> Unless BMC has some scripting language in the works for Remedy, the
> Eclipse model would have to be heavily modified to accommodate Remedy's
> unique (and oftentimes frustrating!) point-and-click application
> development method.

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