
I am sure there is a good white paper about all of the configurations
needed, but here is a quick list off the top of my head for your
configurations and/or stated issues.

1) When making changes to a Server Group, I would not suggest
connecting to the cluster name. I have no confidence that would work
properly with a load balancer set to use sticky sessions. You my end
up (via the luck of the draw) on one of the ARS servers that is not
the "Admin server". I have yet to see in the docs that an "admin
request" made to the "non-admin" ARS server is forwarded on to the
"Admin" ARS server in the group under that condition. ( I think this
is one of those rare times that Admin's need to do things slightly
differently than what most users do.)

2) Yes.. all Servers in the Group (er..application server cluster)
need to have the same Server Alias value. And they need to also know
there own names too. So the IP-Name: values should include all the
host names/IP addresses that are valid for the host. However the
"Server-Name" should be the same string for all of them and it should
match the name of the Server Group. (BTW: The "Server-Name" setting
can be set in the "Server Information" section of the Admin Control
panel (v7+) or via the Admin tool in v6.3.)

3) Consider that if you configure your ARS servers to run on specific
TCP Port that your Load balancer might be a lot easier to configure.
Your web server runs on 80/443. If your ARS server runs on say.. port
3333 then the Load balancer could know which of the 4 hosts (MT1, MT2,
ARS1, ARS2) the request should be forwarded to simply by checking it's
list of existing sticky session and the TCP port that the traffic is
being requested on. (80/443 --> MT1 or MT2, 3333 --> ARS1 ,or ARS2 and
the choice is made by the sticky session if one already exists.) So it
might be possible to have your ARS servers called "Remedy" and your
Mid-tier servers also called "Remedy" in the Load balancer. However,
there might be some advantages to keeping different "cluster names"
for the Web Farm vs the Application Servers too. ( Like "Remedy" for
the Web farm and they always connect to the "ARSServer" application
server cluster.)

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

P.S. I did get both copies, but my gmail account did think one of them
was spam. :(

On Nov 12, 2007 1:34 PM, Rabi Tripathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> **If this post becomes a duplicate, I apologize.
> Another one was sanitized, says yahoo, and hasn't
> turned up yet. This one doesn't have real looking
> URLs, so should go through**
> This one is for those of you running a server group
> with load balancer(s). I'm trying to make sure
> settings for 'server name', 'server connect name' etc
> parameters right.
> I have 2 ARS Servers (ARS1, ARS2) and 2 Midtier
> Servers (MT1, MT2).
> The idea is to have a load balancer ARSLB in front of
> ARS1 and ARS2 and refer to this combination with DNS
> name ARSServer.
> Then have MT1 and MT2 point to server ARSServer. And
> have a load balancer (MTLB) in front of MT1 and MT2
> and have a name, say, Remedy, resolve to this
> combination.
> I already have load balancer MTLB in front of Midtier
> servers and "Remedy" resolves to the mid-tier
> combination fine. I do NOT have ARSLB configured in
> front of ARS1, ARS2 yet. Server Group Ranking form has
> higher rank for ARS1 for all operations.
> Admin operations (done on ARS1) are very slow and some
> days time out consistently. On troubleshooting, some
> configuration parameters seem out of whack.
> This is how ar.conf looks in ARS1--
> Server-Connect-Name:ARS1
> IP-Name: ARS1
> IP-Name: ARS1 DOT company DOT com
> Map-IP-Address:
> In ARS2--
> Server-Name: Remedy
> Server-Connect-Name: ARS2
> IP-Name: ARS2
> IP-Name: ARS2 DOT company DOT com
> Map-IP-Address:
> Note the discrepancy in Server-Name between the two
> (ARS1 doesn't have any), and also the fact that
> "Remedy" is the alias that we want to resolve to the
> Midtier combination, not ARS server combination. It
> also happens to match the Server Group Name.
> I am working on making some corrections. Can somebody
> validate this new scenario:
> ar.conf for ARS1.
> Server-Name:ARSServer      <--- change
> Server-Connect-Name:ARS1
> IP-Name: ARS1
> IP-Name: ARS1 DOT company DOT com
> Map-IP-Address:
> ar.conf for ARS2
> Server-Name:ARSServer      <----change
> Server-Connect-Name: ARS2
> IP-Name: ARS2
> IP-Name: ARS2 DOT company DOT com
> Map-IP-Address:
> Have DNS resolve ARSServer to ARSLB.
> Keep the Server Group Name as "Remedy".
> Ok so far?
> Then on each Mid-tier servers' configuration screens,
> add server "ARSServer". Right now each Midtier is
> pointing to one of the ARS servers, MT1 pointing to
> ARS1 and MT2 pointing to MT2.
> Any issue you see with the new plan?
> ARS 7.0.1, p3, ITSM 7.0.3. Win 2003 with MS SQL 2005.
> Bonus:
> I am in the process of preparing 3 servers for
> development environment. As of now, no plan to have
> server group/load balancer there, just use one each
> for db, ars and midtier. I will go with the name
> similar to "ARServerDev". And hope code migrations
> don't become a headache.
> Please tell me if you see any issue with my plan.
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