Adding the domain part is the default behavior of ARS.
As long as ARS can determine the domain name, it will
include it in the server name.

ARS uses either "Server-Name:" setting in ar.conf or
the value returned by system call gethostname() call
(equivalent to hostname -a) to get the "short name" 
of the server...

 ...and then gets the domain by using system call
gethostbyname() (equivalent to hostname -f). 

..then it constructs the server name ("long server
name") by putting the two together.

Check the knowledge base site for details.

As far as I know, there's nothing you can configure
within ARS to prevent domain name from being appended.

To put it another way, if it's bothering are
not responsible for having caused the appearance of
the doamin in the server name. No configuration
setting would cause it. It's the default behavior.

I wouldn't worry about it. Because this server name
has to resolve correctly from Mid-tier (that's where
the URL will lead the browser to, right?), it doesn't
hurt to have fully qualified domain name in the URL.

If you insist on getting rid of the domain part....
for windows machines, I have been able to have only
hostname be used as server name, instead of fully
qualified domain name, by tinkering with Windows
settings. This applies to server names you see in
objects, such as filters, when viewied in Remedy
Admin. I never checked to see if URLs in emails were
also using hostname only. Likely they were.

If you can configure your machine so that the
"gethostbyname()" system call (equivalent to "hostname
-f") returns just the hostname , you may be able to
get only hostname in the URL. Perhaps by tinkering
with /etc/hosts. Not sure this is wise.

---the KB article---
How is the server name determined within Remedy?
We resolve the name of the server via the following
steps --
1) We check to see if there is a "Server-Name" setting
in the ar.cfg/ar.conf file as described on page 3-15
of Admin Guide Volume 2?
2) We perform the call "gethostname" to get the name
of the server.
3) We perform the call "gethostbyname" to get the full
name of the server including the domain (using the
value from #2 as input)
4) If #1 is found to be true (the Server Name is being
used), then we take that name and add the domain from
#3 to form the server name. If #1 is not true
(Server-Name is not being used), then we use the value
obtained from #3 (the FQDN)

This is how it works in 3.x and 4.x

Now, If you specify a specific server name in the
config file (ar.cfg/ar.conf), the short server name
will be this value. The long server name however will
be this value with the domain name of your network

Depending on the networking you are using, the short
and long names may be the same or different. 

So, if your machine was named sally and you were using
DNS, by default you have the following:
short sally

If you specify a Server-name: of tommy, you would get
the following:
short tommy

A note about arreload -- By default, arreload will use
the gethostname function to get the short host name of
the current machine. It DOES NOT pick up any localized
Server-name: setting from the ar.conf/ar.cfg file.
There is a command line argument for arreload that can
be specified (-h) to allow you to specify the hostname
that will be used during the arreload.

The access control cache uses the SHORT hostname (so
sally and tommy in the above example).

If you had not specified Server-name: for the
arserver, the arreload program will pick up sally and
that is what the server is using so all is well.
However, if you specified Server-name: of tommy for
the server, the server would be using tommy in the
access control cache and the arreload program would be
using sally. You MUST specify the -h command line
argument with a value of tommy so that arreload will
use the same value as the arserver.


--- Prasan Katti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Rabi and Joe for your suggestions.
> Adding the server ** to the
> mid-tier configuration
> page has solved the problem.
> However, I was curious where this value is being
> picked up from, the "Email
> Notifications Web Path" has been set to
> http://itsmserver/arsys and the
> "Server Name Alias" is set to *itsmserver*.
> Also, we are running the installation on a SUSE
> Linux Enterprise Server 10
> (i586) and running the command hostname -a returns
> *itsmserver* and not *
> Thanks again for your help.
> Prasan.
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Joe D'Souza
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ** Configure as one of
> the servers on your mid
> > tier configuration page. This should resolve the
> problem you are having.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > *From:* Action Request System discussion
> list(ARSList) [mailto:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of *Prasan Katti
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:23 PM
> > *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> > *Subject:* Notify Action "Web URL" incorrectly
> formed (ITSM 7.0.3)
> >
> > ** Hello All,
> >
> > We are currently configuring our DEV server
> running ITSM 7.0.3 (Patch 7).
> > When I create an incident the notification sent
> out by the application
> > includes the following web url and AR Task
> attachment to access the ticket
> > directly:
> >
> >
> >
> > However this URL is not correctly formed and
> clicking on it will show the
> > following error:
> >
> > ARERR [9280]
> > Server not present in the configured servers list
> -
> >
> >
> > I have looked through the archives, but cannot
> find where this value ('
> >' to just 'itsmserver')
> needs to be changed so
> > that the URL works across all applications and
> notify actions.
> >
> > Please help!!.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Prasan.
> >
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