Thanks so much Rabi.
This really helped me understand the problem.
Since the URL now works after adding the server to the mid-tier
configuration, I can stop working on this issue.
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Rabi Tripathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Prasan,
> Adding the domain part is the default behavior of ARS.
> As long as ARS can determine the domain name, it will
> include it in the server name.
> ARS uses either "Server-Name:" setting in ar.conf or
> the value returned by system call gethostname() call
> (equivalent to hostname -a) to get the "short name"
> of the server...
>  ...and then gets the domain by using system call
> gethostbyname() (equivalent to hostname -f).
> ..then it constructs the server name ("long server
> name") by putting the two together.
> Check the knowledge base site for details.
> As far as I know, there's nothing you can configure
> within ARS to prevent domain name from being appended.
> To put it another way, if it's bothering are
> not responsible for having caused the appearance of
> the doamin in the server name. No configuration
> setting would cause it. It's the default behavior.
> I wouldn't worry about it. Because this server name
> has to resolve correctly from Mid-tier (that's where
> the URL will lead the browser to, right?), it doesn't
> hurt to have fully qualified domain name in the URL.
> If you insist on getting rid of the domain part....
> for windows machines, I have been able to have only
> hostname be used as server name, instead of fully
> qualified domain name, by tinkering with Windows
> settings. This applies to server names you see in
> objects, such as filters, when viewied in Remedy
> Admin. I never checked to see if URLs in emails were
> also using hostname only. Likely they were.
> If you can configure your machine so that the
> "gethostbyname()" system call (equivalent to "hostname
> -f") returns just the hostname , you may be able to
> get only hostname in the URL. Perhaps by tinkering
> with /etc/hosts. Not sure this is wise.
> ---the KB article---
> How is the server name determined within Remedy?
> We resolve the name of the server via the following
> steps --
> 1) We check to see if there is a "Server-Name" setting
> in the ar.cfg/ar.conf file as described on page 3-15
> of Admin Guide Volume 2?
> 2) We perform the call "gethostname" to get the name
> of the server.
> 3) We perform the call "gethostbyname" to get the full
> name of the server including the domain (using the
> value from #2 as input)
> 4) If #1 is found to be true (the Server Name is being
> used), then we take that name and add the domain from
> #3 to form the server name. If #1 is not true
> (Server-Name is not being used), then we use the value
> obtained from #3 (the FQDN)
> This is how it works in 3.x and 4.x
> Now, If you specify a specific server name in the
> config file (ar.cfg/ar.conf), the short server name
> will be this value. The long server name however will
> be this value with the domain name of your network
> appended.
> Depending on the networking you are using, the short
> and long names may be the same or different.
> So, if your machine was named sally and you were using
> DNS, by default you have the following:
> short sally
> long
> If you specify a Server-name: of tommy, you would get
> the following:
> short tommy
> long
> A note about arreload -- By default, arreload will use
> the gethostname function to get the short host name of
> the current machine. It DOES NOT pick up any localized
> Server-name: setting from the ar.conf/ar.cfg file.
> There is a command line argument for arreload that can
> be specified (-h) to allow you to specify the hostname
> that will be used during the arreload.
> The access control cache uses the SHORT hostname (so
> sally and tommy in the above example).
> If you had not specified Server-name: for the
> arserver, the arreload program will pick up sally and
> that is what the server is using so all is well.
> However, if you specified Server-name: of tommy for
> the server, the server would be using tommy in the
> access control cache and the arreload program would be
> using sally. You MUST specify the -h command line
> argument with a value of tommy so that arreload will
> use the same value as the arserver.
> --- Prasan Katti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Thanks Rabi and Joe for your suggestions.
> > Adding the server ** to the
> > mid-tier configuration
> > page has solved the problem.
> >
> > However, I was curious where this value is being
> > picked up from, the "Email
> > Notifications Web Path" has been set to
> > http://itsmserver/arsys and the
> > "Server Name Alias" is set to *itsmserver*.
> > Also, we are running the installation on a SUSE
> > Linux Enterprise Server 10
> > (i586) and running the command hostname -a returns
> > *itsmserver* and not *
> >*.
> >
> > Thanks again for your help.
> > Prasan.
> > On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Joe D'Souza
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > ** Configure as one of
> > the servers on your mid
> > > tier configuration page. This should resolve the
> > problem you are having.
> > >
> > > Joe
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > *From:* Action Request System discussion
> > list(ARSList) [mailto:
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of *Prasan Katti
> > > *Sent:* Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:23 PM
> > > *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> > > *Subject:* Notify Action "Web URL" incorrectly
> > formed (ITSM 7.0.3)
> > >
> > > ** Hello All,
> > >
> > > We are currently configuring our DEV server
> > running ITSM 7.0.3 (Patch 7).
> > > When I create an incident the notification sent
> > out by the application
> > > includes the following web url and AR Task
> > attachment to access the ticket
> > > directly:
> > >
> > >
> >
> http://itsmserver/arsys/forms/
> > >
> > > However this URL is not correctly formed and
> > clicking on it will show the
> > > following error:
> > >
> > > ARERR [9280]
> > > Server not present in the configured servers list
> > -
> > >
> > >
> > > I have looked through the archives, but cannot
> > find where this value ('
> > >' to just 'itsmserver')
> > needs to be changed so
> > > that the URL works across all applications and
> > notify actions.
> > >
> > > Please help!!.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Prasan.
> > >
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