Hello Jegan,
Assuming you have a mix of fixed and floating licenses, and you need to 
optimize the allocation of these licenses among your users, I would recommend a 
product such as "RRR|License" (see http://www.rrr.se/en/products/rrrlic.html).  
To use the tool, you simply need to turn on user logging in your AR Server, 
then periodically upload a copy of the user.log to the RRR site, along with an 
export of your User form in .arx format.  The RRR|License tool will then 
identify which users should be switched from a fixed to a floating license, and 
vice versa.  It can also create an import file that will automatically make the 
changes if desired.

The analysis determines what your peak hours are, and calculates how frequently 
users are logged in during peak hours.  According to the documentation, fixed 
licenses should be reserved for those users who are logged in more than 40% of 
the time during the usual peak hours of the day.

The tool will also make other recommendations such as increasing/decreasing 
your total number of fixed/floating licenses, and it will show you the 
theoretical cost savings of these scenarios.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ramaswamy, Jegannath [OS-IE] 
  Newsgroups: gmane.comp.crm.arsystem.general
  To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:00 PM
  Subject: Releasing licenses from the users who are inactive in Remedy System

  We have more inactive people in Remedy system but with licenses allocated to 
them (Fixed). In the process of optimizing the allocation of licenses, is there 
any work around available in Remedy to free up those licenses automatically? 
Have gone through few documents but couldn't trace it out.

  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance




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