This is an extract of the ar_install.log with the errors importing the
primary forms:

08:54:15 Verifying user has permissions to import.
08:54:15 Importing forms.
08:54:20 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing group forms and data...
08:54:20     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:20 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\Group.def
08:54:20 Import Mode: create
08:54:22 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:22     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:22 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing user forms and data...
08:54:22     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:22 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\User.def
08:54:22 Import Mode: create
08:54:23 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:23     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:23 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing alert list forms...
08:54:23     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:23 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\alertlist.def
08:54:23 Import Mode: overw
08:54:24 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:24     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:24 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing currency code data...
08:54:24     ----> RIK Import: dataimp: Entering function <----
08:54:24 Importing: C:\AR
08:54:24 Import Mode: reject
08:54:31 ****->[ERROR]: dataimp: 1025: Data import failed.
08:54:31     ----< RIK Import: dataimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:31 ****->[ERROR]: Failed importing CurrencyCode data
08:54:31     ----> RIK Import: dataimp: Entering function <----
08:54:31 Importing: C:\AR
08:54:31 Import Mode: reject
08:54:36 ****->[ERROR]: dataimp: 1025: Data import failed.
08:54:36     ----< RIK Import: dataimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:36 ****->[ERROR]: Failed importing Localized CurrencyCode data: es
08:54:36 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing Central Preference forms...
08:54:36     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:36 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\adminpref.def
08:54:36 Import Mode: create
08:54:37 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:37     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:37 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing report forms...
08:54:37     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:37 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\userpref.def
08:54:37 Import Mode: overw
08:54:38 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:38     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:38     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:38 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\reportforms.def
08:54:38 Import Mode: overw
08:54:39 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:39     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:39     ----> RIK Import: dataimp: Entering function <----
08:54:39 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\ReportType.arx
08:54:39 Import Mode: reject
08:54:45 ****->[ERROR]: dataimp: 1025: Data import failed.
08:54:45     ----< RIK Import: dataimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:45 ****->[ERROR]: Failed importing ReportType data
08:54:45     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:45 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\reportvendor.def
08:54:45 Import Mode: overw
08:54:46 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:46     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:46 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing sampler forms and data...
08:54:46     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:46 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\en\sample_app.def
08:54:46 Import Mode: overw
08:54:47 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:47     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:47 Importing forms data: MessageCatalog.xml
08:54:47     ----> RIK Import: dataimp: Entering function <----
08:54:47 Importing: C:\AR
08:54:47 Import Mode: reject
08:54:52 ****->[ERROR]: dataimp: 1025: Data import failed.
08:54:52     ----< RIK Import: dataimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:52 ****->[ERROR]: Failed importing MessageCatalog data: es
08:54:52 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing LDAP plug-in forms...
08:54:52     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:52 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\Plugins\LDAPCONF\ardbcconf.def
08:54:52 Import Mode: migr
08:54:53 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:53     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:53 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing ARDBC LDAP plugin forms...
08:54:53     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:53 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\Plugins\ARDBC\ardbcldap.def
08:54:53 Import Mode: migr
08:54:54 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:54     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:54     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:54 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\Plugins\ARDBC\inetorgperson.def
08:54:54 Import Mode: migr
08:54:55 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:55     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:55 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing AREA LDAP plugin forms...
08:54:55     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:55 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\Plugins\AREA\arealdap.def
08:54:55 Import Mode: migr
08:54:56 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:56     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:56 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing AR System Home Page...
08:54:56     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:56 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\HomePage.def
08:54:56 Import Mode: overw
08:54:57 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:57     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:57 ****->[ShowMsg]: Importing Flashboard forms...
08:54:57     ----> RIK Import: defnimp: Entering function <----
08:54:57 Importing: C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\FlashForms.def
08:54:57 Import Mode: migr
08:54:58 ****->[ERROR]: defnimp: 90: Run-time error. Please, check C:\AR
System\SERGAS\Logs for details.
08:54:58     ----< RIK Import: defnimp: Exiting  function >----
08:54:59 ****->[WARNING]: Possible errors were detected importing or loading
Please refer to the import logs located in:
C:\AR System\SERGAS\Logs\ActionRequestSystem.log

I attach the contents of the 'ActionRequestSystem_error.log' file too:

[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:22.62] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:22.62] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:22.62] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:23.156] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:23.156] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:23.156] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:24.140] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:24.140] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:24.140] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:31.468] ImportDataFile-
AR System Import Tool  Mon May 04 08:54:26 2009
**** Cannot get target schema details from the server specified.
**** Status List : 1 items
**** ERROR: #90  w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused) - Cannot open catalog; Message number = 90
**** Attempting import from schema AR System Currency Codes in file to AR
System Currency Codes on server
**** The command line option for schema is not valid. Cannot import
**** Loading Mappings failed: The import was not attempted
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:31.468] DataImport- Data Import failed with code
1025 for file C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\CurrencyCodes.arx
[Mon May 04 08:54:31.468] rikMain- Returning  1025 for command dataimp
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:36.828] ImportDataFile-
AR System Import Tool  Mon May 04 08:54:31 2009
**** Cannot get target schema details from the server specified.
**** Status List : 1 items
**** ERROR: #90  w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused) - Cannot open catalog; Message number = 90
**** Attempting import from schema AR System Currency Label Catalog in file
to AR System Currency Label Catalog on server
**** The command line option for schema is not valid. Cannot import
**** Loading Mappings failed: The import was not attempted
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:36.828] DataImport- Data Import failed with code
1025 for file C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\CurrencyL10NLabels.arx
[Mon May 04 08:54:36.828] rikMain- Returning  1025 for command dataimp
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:37.921] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:37.921] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:37.921] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:38.906] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:38.906] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:38.906] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:39.890] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:39.890] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:39.890] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:45.250] ImportDataFile-
AR System Import Tool  Mon May 04 08:54:39 2009
**** Cannot get target schema details from the server specified.
**** Status List : 1 items
**** ERROR: #90  w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused) - Cannot open catalog; Message number = 90
**** Attempting import from schema ReportType in file to ReportType on
**** The command line option for schema is not valid. Cannot import
**** Loading Mappings failed: The import was not attempted
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:45.250] DataImport- Data Import failed with code
1025 for file C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\ReportType.arx
[Mon May 04 08:54:45.250] rikMain- Returning  1025 for command dataimp
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:46.234] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:46.234] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:46.234] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:47.218] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:47.234] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:47.234] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:52.687] ImportDataFile-
AR System Import Tool  Mon May 04 08:54:47 2009
**** Cannot get target schema details from the server specified.
**** Status List : 1 items
**** ERROR: #90  w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused) - Cannot open catalog; Message number = 90
**** Attempting import from schema AR System Message Catalog in file to AR
System Message Catalog on server
**** The command line option for schema is not valid. Cannot import
**** Loading Mappings failed: The import was not attempted
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:52.687] DataImport- Data Import failed with code
1025 for file C:\AR System\SERGAS\ARSERVER\SAMPLES\es\MessageCatalog.xml
[Mon May 04 08:54:52.687] rikMain- Returning  1025 for command dataimp
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:53.671] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:53.671] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:53.671] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:54.765] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:54.765] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:54.765] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:55.859] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:55.859] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:55.859] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:56.953] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:56.953] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:56.953] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:57.937] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:57.937] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:57.937] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:58.921] VerifyControl- Unable to connect to the AR
System Server.
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:58.921] VerifyControl- 90 Cannot open catalog;
Message number = 90 w03remedyc : RPC: Miscellaneous tli error - System error
(Connection refused)
[ERROR][Mon May 04 08:54:58.921] rikMain- Problem with verification of
user/pw/server information
The Error log file is being closed

Thank you very much


2009/5/3 Hyunkel v2.0 <>

> ** What kind of error messages sends you the ar_install.log or
> arErrorLog.log files?
> Also When i received this kind of messages using oracle, try to define the
> database as auto-increase, and also increase the transaction log at least
> 512MB.
> Hope this help
> Regards
>  *Hugo Ruesga*
> *perotsystems**®*
> US  972.577.7000
> MX +52 (33) 3332.3868
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email
> *The information contained in and transferred with this electronic message
> is intended only for the recipient(s) designated above, it is protected by
> law and it may contain information which is privileged and confidential. If
> you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, or use it, and
> do not disclose it to others. Please notify the sender of the delivery error
> by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system. **Thank
> you.*
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 22:40:54 +0200
> From:
> Subject: Fwd: Installing ARS 6.3 with Oracl_Platinum Sponsor:
> ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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