Hi, Do you have affinity set between oracle client / db (think this is just tns syntax), or are not using a load balanced VIP for the SID? TNS affinity causes app servers to prefer a particular db node if it's available, can make troubleshooting easier and would mean that all admin work is carried out on one db node. SQL like the following show what is connected to what:
set pagesize 1000 column "From Machine" format a20 select count(*) "Number of Connections", machine "From Machine", b.instance_name "To Instance" from gv$session a, gv$instance b where a.username='ARADMIN' and a.inst_id=b.inst_id and machine in ('YOUR APP SERVER 1','YOUR APP SERVER 2') group by machine, b.instance_name order by "From Machine" / Also not sure I understand where the problem is. Is the cache corrupted or is the db corrupted? If the db is corrupted then the cache must get corrupted 1st after a restore and then get commited back to db - by what mechanism would that happen... Probably I'm just not understanding the problem. It's such a crazy sounding problem that SAN cache or something might be the problem, but that's crazy talk. Can't imagine any of this will be particulalry useful but i can't sleep :-) _______________________________________________________________________________ UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org attend wwrug11 www.wwrug.com ARSList: "Where the Answers Are"