Thanks for the info Theo.  One more question.  Did you migrate the 3rd party 
pieces to 64bit as well?  We are using Exchange/Outlook for our mail server so 
we are using the MAPI protocol for the email engine.  This means we have to use 
the 32bit JRE.  I'm wondering whether I need to use the 32bit 2.4.x Apache 
HTTPD or whether I can use the 64bit.

On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:10:37 +0200, Theo Fondse (GMail) <> 

>Hi Carina,
>We upgraded our "Custom-Only" 7.1/10g/Slolaris server recently to 
>I always suggest NOT to skip a major version when doing an upgrade, due to the 
>fact that BMC only supports the last 3 versions, and therefore, might not test 
>their software during development for upgrades from unsupported versions at 
>the time. (I seriously doubt that BMC would have tested a straight upgrade 
>from 7.1 to 7.6.04 or much less 8.0 or 8.1, due to their version support 
>Before I started my current stint at the company where I am working now, they 
>attempted an upgrade from 7.1 to 7.6.4 and failed several times.
>Even with the assistance of a local support partner, the upgrade failed and 
>they eventually gave up.
>The solution to the problem later turned out to be that you should not skip 
>any major versions and go through the installer logs to find out what went 
>wrong if the installer fails.
>We found a caveat with some of the AR System forms and tables which had to be 
>addressed manually before the upgrade in order to get the upgrade to work.
>I suggest the following steps which worked for us to do a successful upgrade 
>(please test it first on a development/test environment before doing this on 
>1.     Back up the current DB (full DB export dump).
>2.     Export and delete all records from the AR System User Central File form.
>3.     Export and delete all records from the AR System User Preference form.
>4.     Temporary Disable Automatic Processes (performance tuning to make 
>upgrade complete faster):
>                       Escalations 
>                       Alerts
>                       Archive
>                       Log Files
>                       Server Events
>5.     Temporary Decrease Threads count (max 2 each) to enable faster 
>re-caching during upgrade.
>6.     Shut Down AR System.
>7.     Verify that the Oracle 11g 64 bit client has been installed on the 
>server and update the tnsnames file for this client.
>8.     Verify that at least java 1.6 32 and 64 bit has been installed.
>9.     Comment out Db-Character-Set: UTF-8 parameter in ar.conf file if using 
>10.    Run the following script on Oracle (fix for SW00327170):
> AS
>11.    Upgrade to ARS 7.5.0 
>12.    Upgrade to ARS 7.6.04 SP5
>13.    Upgrade to ARS 8.0
>14.    Upgrade to ARS 8.1
>15.    Restore original config for
>                       Escalations 
>                       Alerts
>                       Archive
>                       Log Files
>                       Server Events
>                       Threads count
>16.    Import backed up records for the AR System User Central File form.
>17.    Import backed up records for the AR System User Preference form.
>Best Regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
>[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Grooms, Frederick W
>Sent: 12 December 2014 22:44
>To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>Subject: Re: Help with upgrade path
>My suggestion
>Take a backup of the Oracle 10g data and copy/restore it to the Oracle 12c  
>(Your DBA could also do this with oracle DataPump).   
>Install 8.1 on the new server against the copy/restored data.   When 
>installing it should ask you if you want to upgrade or start new in the 
>database.  Choose upgrade.   
>   (You do NOT need to have an existing set of ARS binaries on the new server 
> to choose upgrade as this only refers to the database data)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
>[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Carina Burns
>Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 11:38 AM
>To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG <mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG> 
>Subject: Help with upgrade path
>I am turning to you all for suggestions for an upgrade path for our ARS 
>system.  I've contacted BMC for advice, however our support contract level is 
>Basic... which is also the adjective I would use to describe my current level 
>of customer satisfaction.
>Has anyone gone from ARS 7.1 to 8.1?  How did you do it?  
>If you don't want to wade thru my specifics, kindly preface your reply with 
>TLDR before you explain your upgrade method.
>The specifics:  
>Our production set up is
>ARS 7.1 patch 11 / Midtier7.0.01 patch 5/ Apache Tomcat 5.027 / Crystal 
>Reports XI running on WinSvr 2003 SP2 against an Oracle 10g last patch 
>database on RedHat Enterprise 4.0
>I had thought to step thru and upgrade to 7.6 and then to 8.1 but was advised 
>after opening a support ticket that since we have custom forms only and are 
>not using ITSM or any other BMC app, we could go straight to 8.1 from 7.1.  
>The compatibility matrix lists the minimums but states that any newer versions 
>are supported for OS and database.  Since hardware only gets upgraded when 
>bond money exists about every 5-7 years at our school district, I asked for 
>the latest/greatest.  I cleared my choices/plan with support but since it was 
>going to take a while to get the servers, I closed the ticket saying I would 
>open another once I had my gear.
>My new servers are virtual; a WinSvr2012 R2 and a Oracle Linux 6 box.  I put 
>Oracle 12c on as the database.
>I had thought to install ARS 7.1 as a "new install", delete the data, copy the 
>production 10g AR schema over to the 12c user, then run 8.1 as an upgrade. 
>That's essentially how I did it the last time and support confirmed that a 
>number of people run their upgrades that way.  But Oh-Oh! 7.1 is 32bit and 
>doesn't want to install on my Win 64bit OS...Maybe both support and I missed 
>that little hitch or perhaps I misunderstood.  Anyhow, I opened a new ticket 
>and asked if I could do the same thing but with 8.1 instead.  In other words, 
>install ARS 8.1 as a new install, delete the data, copy over the 10g AR schema 
>to the 12c user, then run 8.1 again as an upgrade.
>Here are the answers I got back on my ticket (paraphrased):
>A) 7.1 isn't supported,
>B) I was free to experiment using the new install/delete data/move schema/run 
>upgrade method but it may not work
>C) I can try to install 8.1 as new and use the Migrator to move over all my 
>custom forms
>D) Contract professional services and pay BMC to help with my upgrade
>Option D isn't going to happen.  So I am left with options B and C.  The 
>analyst on the first support ticket didn't think Migrator would be necessary 
>since we aren't using ITSM.  Thoughts on that (While I go read the migrator 
>documentation)?  Comments on option B?
>Thanks in advance!
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