Yes, but for such speed you don't need to match better than several mm.

On 31 March 2016 at 13:51, Robert Jördens <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Florent Kermarrec
> <> wrote:
> > When choosing between Artix7 or Kintex7 you also have to consider that
> > Artix7 only have HR IOs which mean they don't have ODELAYE2 primitives
> and
> > we are currently using them in the actual DDR PHY for leveling.
> >
> > Also when choosing XC7A200T you will stuck to this FPGA on your board
> > because the package is different from others Artix7. With Kintex7, in the
> > slices range you are targeting, you will have more flexibility:
> > - FBG676 (8 transceivers): from XC7K70T to XC7K410T
> > - FFG676 (8 transceivers): from XC7K160T to XC7K410T
> > - FFG900 (16 transceivers): from XC7K325T to XC7K410T
> ACK. Good to know about the IODELAY in Artix.
> I guess the alignment on a.g. is
> done by trace length matching then, right?
> Robert.
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