In a message dated 6/1/2005 1:07:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
oh oh - that sounded politically correct.
No need to worry Oak,  I will not lose my edge, just trying to start a more constructive dialouge.  What I have learned in the past weeks in both my campaigning and my preparations to take office is that we have a massive communications problem in our city on all fronts, this board included. 
In my assessment, there are a couple of key shortcomings:
1. People dont' have a historical framework that they are basing their comments on.
2. People don't have all the information necessary to make informed decisions and offer informed criticisms.
3. People don't always have nor do they seek out the professional experience to make informed decisions.
Perhaps an example will help.  We have a bunch of people here offering their comments on how best to redevelop 56 acres of Asbury's oceanfront.  While everyone's comments are welcomed and appreciated, they all don't have the same merit.  Some might get defensive at this statment, but it is simply a fact.  Think of it like this...  If as a group we were going to start a company that built and maintained websites, who of the following would be the best person to direct our efforts? 
a. Werner B.
b. Dan S.
c. Maureen N.
d. Joe D.
It would be Joe D.  Why?  Because he is better or smarter than the others?  No.  It is simply because he has the proven professional experience in this area.  Given this, Joe's opinions should be weighted more heavily than others and we should defer to his experience. 
Regarding our oceanfront redevelopment project, we should use the same approach.  We need to consider one's experience in redevelopment, real estate, historical preservation, commercial development, housing development, etc.  If you don't have experience in any of these areas it doesn't mean that you cannot or should not contribute to the conversation.  However, you also should be humble enough to realize that there may be people who know more than you because this is what they do day in and day out. 
I hope this is helpful.
Peace, Jim Keady

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