Any of you see any studies as to what roughly that percentage would work out to re: a national sales tax to replace income tax?

I'm curious.

Most of the flat income tax proposals I saw would be about the same I pay now....but without having all the 'funny money' totals before I itemize and take deductions and match the schedule with the remainder.

Anything is better than what we have now

On 7/28/06, Lighty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/28/06 6:33 PM, "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I would prefer a flat sales tax over income tax.  This way everyone
pays  into our society.  You consume, you pay.  A family will pay more
toward school tax this way due to food consumption, clothing and such
than a single man or woman making the same wages (unless they are
spend-a-holics).  Elderly would beneift this way too.


I still believe that a flat sales tax would be the best way to go.  I'd love to see just how much revenue the United States would have if a national sales tax was installed versus the current system.  Imagine the savings if the IRS was abolished.  The amount of printing the tax booklets alone each year is probably an eye-opening amount.

I don't agree that a flat sales tax would affect the middle class and poor people more.  I think it really would level the playing field because not everyone can afford the best accountants to take care of each loophole that is available to them.  Pay as you go.  It's a shame that the majority of Americans would rather have a complex system to something as simple as this.


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