Asburysteve2001 Self-Righteously Scolds Again:

 There is a massive Gentrification going on . . ., and those doing it, . . .are guilty of sins against God and fellow man!     Since you may not understand what I call God's "Final Judgment" verses, here they are again,....     And since the Bible also gives us a command to "Seek out and destroy Evil", also, I feel it's my right, as well as duty, to....


There are some so called Christians who do nothing but think about the Book of Revelations with great delight contemplating the future spectacle of everybody frying to death except them. the Rapture, it never happens to be you who doesn't get Raptured.

The Rapture idea which seems to consist mostly of fun on a cloud while other people suffer-- that I think is just opening the door to some of the worst impulses in human nature, which is---revenge and gloating. Well we have a great capacity as human beings for being self righteous and judgmental about other people, despite the admonition, "Judge not lest ye be judged." We do judge. And some people take it to an extreme.         Margaret Atwood   from  Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason . Bill Moyers and Martin Amis and Margaret Atwood . July 28, 2006 | PBS


Your  [self] righteous eyes, your [not so] laconic
people the streets with villains:
as you move, the air in front of you
blossoms with targets....
I am the space you desecrate
as you pass through.         --also from Margaret Atwood

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