On 12/7/2006 at 7:52:14 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

HIRE THE BEST, hire  the ones who will enforce the laws, all laws 
including  quality of life issues  ...  

There's  much to be said for the broken windows theory, a.k.a. quality of 
life  issues.
Go for it AP!

========Original Message========
    Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: An open letter...  Date: 12/7/2006 7:52:14 P.M. 
Eastern Standard Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:    

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
"asburycouple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> An open  letter to this board and to the City Council:
> Rome is burning  right here in Asbury Park, Let's stop talking 
about BS and start > doing  something.
i totally agree rome is burning, what is the answer?  declare marshall 
law and call in the state police to clean up this mess? not  a bad 
beginning! I read today we will be hiring more police officers,  
while this will raise our taxes i have no problem with that, i only 
ask  no I DEMAND one thing, HIRE THE BEST, screw the local list , 
screw the civil  service list, open it to the county or state list 
HIRE THE BEST, hire the  ones who will enforce the laws, all laws 
including quality of ilfe issues  and not the ones who will turn their 
backs because they went to high school  with someone, HIRE THE BEST, i 
expect to take some flack from this  statement, and to you asses who 
do not believe this could happen just go to  the library look up the 
articles, see the pictures of police officers hired  in the past 
because the fix was in being taken out in handcuffs, JUST HIRE  THE 
BEST , i do not think that to be an unreasonable request.  


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