"Where are these types attracted? Pony and Deep. Who runs them? Partners. You 
reap what you sow. Typical classy way they do everything. You love them Tom."
  your kidding right??  first, deep isnt operated by asbury partners.  they own 
the building yes, but its leased out and run seperatly.  at least this is how 
it was when it first opened, im sure things havnt changed though.  but assuming 
what you say was tue, so now both these places are deemed bad becasue they are 
run by AP?  that doesnt make much sence.  its the types of music scenes that 
are attracted to these places.  not the place its self.  the stone pony has had 
the same music sene for the last 6 years, since i was in highschool and at 
least another 10 years before that.  the same fights, and what not were around 
back then too.  im not saying anything to side with anyone, but at least get 
your stories right.  stop trying to blur everything together, ending up with 
"asbur partners did it"  that seems to be the skapegoat for a lot of things 
now.  some things that arnt even connected.  rediculous.   

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