  im not taking either side, i know what from i see.  it is a true fact that 
asbury partners dont live up to time lines and alwasy seem to find a sneaky way 
of doing things.  however, when it comes to the activity on the boardwalk, 
retail etc, things are moving along just as they said it would.  from the very 
begining, before anything started, didnt they say nothing major would happen 
unitll the first sets of home owners were moved in? owners of the future (now 
almost complete) condos.  this goes back to when there was the on going debate 
of board walk first, then condos, verses condos first then boardwalk.  it could 
have worked either way, but i think having the condos first acutally is a 
better way of doing things.  try and build up the citys waterfront, making it 
occupied, promoting life.   verses empty lots, with a vibrant boardwalk.  new 
visitors, some returning after years gone would want to see a good waterfront 
as a whole.  not feeling unsafe, maybe not even safe
 enough to park their cars to walk to this newly done boardwalk.   i think it 
takes time, but giving the direction of the project from the start, this is 
expected.  (but obviously asbury partners could be doing more with regards to 
convention hall, and their deadlines that the havnt ment.  but this really has 
nothing to do with the phases and order of the project?)

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