I have to tell you that your post scares me.  For the past 3+ years that I have 
been in Asbury I can not understand the school situation.   I am not placing 
blame on a single individual but there is a problem.  While I know you are on 
the board, I do not see much progress.  What is the issue here?  It is not lack 
of money.  This town is up there as far as the cost per student.  From what I 
see it is a lack of accountability for all.  The fighting, accusations etc all 
is just people pushing blame on to others.   Again I not pointing a finger and 
one person, but if the people running things from the classroom to the board 
cannot get a direction, goals set and accomplished etc, then new people need to 
come in.  I think it would be a complete embarrassment if the state finds money 
that should have been spent on education, wasted.  It would be an even bigger 
embarrassment if the state needs to take control.

----- Original Message ----
From: asburycheech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:34:39 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: School Waste

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Allan Peterson <nnjallans1@ ...> wrote:
> In the press today a story about school waste. At the end it says
other schools will be looked at in the spring. Will be interesting to
see what is found in Asbury.

Couldn't agree with you more. The State will be doing meticulous
audits in all Abbott districts in which state funds account for more
than 80% of budget. So Asbury is on that list. It cannot happen too
Frank D'Alessandro
PS I'm a board member, but cannot and do not speak for the board.

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