Hello Dan,
In reference to your  comment: 

If you want religion to play a bigger  part in government - move to an 
Islamist country. The founding fathers were  Deists. I almost came to blows 
with my 
born again sister over this last  summer. This country was 
founded by people with a Christian background who  largely rejected organized 


Dan, as usual, is right on target.  
Moreover,  Bush’s top political advisers privately ridiculed  evangelical 
supporters as “nuts” and “goofy” while embracing them in public and  using 
their votes to help win elections. The former official also writes that  the 
House office of faith-based initiatives, which Bush promoted as a  
non-political effort to support religious social service organizations, was 
told  to 
host pre-election events designed to mobilize religious voters who would most  
likely favor Republican candidates. 

========Original Message========
Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Justified Right  Date: 3/7/2007 5:17:38 P.M. Eastern 
Standard Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:    

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> You  feel religion plays to big a role in our governing. I say its 
> too  small.
> To each our own.

If you give me six lines  written
by the most honest man, I will find
something in them to hang  him.
—Cardinal Richelieu

If you want religion to play a bigger part in  government - move to an 
Islamist country. The founding fathers were Deists.  I almost came to 
blows with my born again sister over this last summer. This  country was 
founded by people with a Christian background who largely  rejected 
organized religion.

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