In reference to justified's  comment: 

Your posts don't just disagree with what  I say, rather you constantly attack 
me personally by claiming I lie,  intentionally mislead, falsify and you 
always call me  names.
I never ever used the words "lie" or "liar" in reference to  you.  I'm try to 
be very careful about the words I choose.
HOWEVER, others on this board have said, in reference to  you.:
Message 19758:  Mr. DeSeno, Your above statement is a lie. I  NEVER said that 
the shooting was not criminal. Provide clear evidence of me  making this 
statement VERBATIM or retract your 
Message 19955,  "I would love to be able to support, as we have many,  but 
not all, things in common. The
one thing we do not have in common  is the distortion of the truth to attend 
to our personal  agendas."
Message 19948   "You are too smart to be this dense. That's why I  believe 
your continued inability to recognize fact is an intentional  misrepresentation 
- because I respect your intellect too much to  believe you are too dumb to 
see his statement for what it was."
Message 19935:   I like Tommy, but he is a lier. 
MOREOVER:  You use the word quite freely in regard to  others.
Message 18630:  Dan you are quick to pull out the words "lying" and  
on others here....In this post, you are lying. Terribly I  might add, since 
your lies
are so obvious. 
Message 19034:  if you are a City official, you don't ask them to look  at 
your pock mark and put a magnifying glass on it (as in lie to make it  bigger). 
As a City Official, you work in that position to put your best on. 
Message 19350:  Groups like the UEZ, etc., have remained mute while  
councilmembers have lied in print and public meetings. 

Message 19647:  Keady fell right it line. ...The race card was   played.  
Eaatside against westside. Lies were said. They blame   redevelopement  on the 
violence on the westside. 
Message 19753: Mario.... I now have absolute proof you lie about me and  
spread the lie.
Message 20849:  I swear, it's like some chronic sickness with you libs  the 
way you re-write hsitory. Like you have some genetic pre-disposition to  
ignoring historical fact. ...I guess there goes your argument that Kanzaa is 
not  a 
spiritual alternative to Christmas. Once again, your blind hatred of me causes 
 you to lie.
Thank you Yahoo, for the Advanced Search functions.  Makes it so easy  to 
check for the truth.

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