Ladies and Gentlemen:


I am writing to correct for the record statements recently posted by Mr.
Paul Vail regarding the March 20, 2007 Zoning Board Meeting.  Mr. Vail


"Sadly, Councilman Keady once again was present at this zoning board hearing
against the advice of the city attorney."


I am not sure where Mr. Vail is getting his information from, but to be sure
that each of you has the facts, I have included below an email exchange
between myself and the City Attorney that I had today to clarify this


March 23, 2007


Mr. Raffetto, 


In a February 9th email communication you advised the Governing Body
regarding their attendance at the Zoning Board hearings dealing with the
Jersey Shore Rescue Mission.  Based on your communication I was under the
assumption that City Council Members could attend the hearings, but they
simply could not and should not participate (i.e. give testimony, cross
examine witnesses or ask questions of Board members.)  


At each of the Zoning Board meetings on this matter I took your advice and
simply observed.  To date, four citizens have questioned me on this matter
and whether my attendance was in fact allowed.  My concern is that if four
citizens were willing to approach me, there may be others that are unsure
about the facts on this matter.  For the record, can you please answer the


1.      Did I interpret your February 9th communication correctly, that City
Council Members can attend these hearings but they simply could not and
should not participate (i.e. give testimony, cross examine witnesses or ask
questions of Board members.)? 
2.      Can you confirm that I placed a telephone call to you on February
13th to further ensure legal clarity on this matter?  
3.      Can you confirm that in your voicemail recording that you left me in
response to my call on February 13th that you stated that I could attend the
Zoning Board meeting and observe and that I should simply not participate? 
4.      Can you confirm that immediately following the February 13th Zoning
Board meeting, we spoke on the telephone and I again confirmed with you that
my attendance at the meeting was not problematic? 
5.      Finally, can you please place a telephone call and/or email Mr.
Serpico, the Zoning Board attorney, and ask him to officially confirm
whether or not I actively participated in either the February 13th or March
20th Zoning Board hearings on the Jersey Shore Rescue Mission and whether or
not, in his legal opinion, my attendance at these meetings as a silent
observer is in any way legally problematic?  


Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.  I look forward to
hearing back from you.


Peace, JWK 


March 23, 2007


Councilman Keady,


In response to the questions that you have posed in your e-mail of earlier
today regarding the recent hearings before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on
the Market Street Mission project, I can confirm the following:


1.    Yes, I did provide legal advice to all of the Governing Body members
through an e-mail correspondence of Feb. 9, 2007, and yes, you did interpret
my legal advice correctly.

2.    Yes, I can confirm your telephone call to me of Feb. 13th, regarding
this matter, as set forth in # 2.

3.    Yes, I can confirm your statement set forth in # 3.

4.    Yes, I can confirm your statement set forth in # 4.

5.    In response to your request, I have just spoken to Mr. Serpico on the
telephone, and he has confirmed that you did not make any public statements
or otherwise actively participate in the hearings that took place on
February 13th or March 20th.  Neither Mr. Serpico nor I have any problem
with your attending the meetings, as a silent observer only, to merely
witness the proceedings, like any other member of the public.


I hope the above sufficiently responds to your inquiries.  Should you
require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you,


Frederick C. Raffetto, Esq.  


Mr. Vail also wrote: 


"The councilman placed himself squarely among the Mission Supporters, two of
whom had to be evicted from council chambers during the proceedings."  


For the majority of the meeting I sat on the right side of the City Council
Chambers next to Mr. Tom Pivinski, an Asbury Park resident and business
owner and someone I consider a friend.  To my knowledge, Mr. Pivinski has
not taken a public position on this matter.  As for those who were evicted
from the meeting, Mr. Vail is referring to Mr. Mitchell Briggs and his two
children (one and four years of age).  Mr. Briggs, who I also consider a
friend, was asked by the Board Chair if he could ask his one-year-old to be
quiet (the child was making noise).  Mr. Briggs was not happy with the
request from the Chair and he expressed that vocally.  He did eventually
leave the chamber with his children after the Chair asked for his removal by
the AP Police Officer in attendance.  While Mr. Briggs was gathering his
things I offered to hold his one-year-old for him and to watch his children
outside if he wished to remain in the Chamber.  


I imagine that some of you may want to know why I have attended these Zoning
Board Meetings.  That is a fair question.  Here is my answer.  At some
point, this matter may come before the governing body for final judgment.
Given the fact that this issue is clearly very sensitive and there are
passionate opinions on each side, I felt/feel it to be my responsibility to
hear the testimony and board comments first hand, rather than just reading
the transcripts of the hearings.  As I am sure all of you would agree, much
can be lost in a transcript in terms of inflection and context.  


Finally, while some citizens may not agree with the position I have taken on
this matter, I hope that each of you can appreciate my desire to have the
facts, to be as informed as I can, and to openly and honestly share with you
my thoughts and feelings.  


I hope this information is helpful.  


Peace, JWK 


Councilman James W. Keady

1 Municipal Plaza

Asbury Park, NJ 07712

TEL: 732.502.5196




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