"What about the general lack of publicity about this upcoming summer in general.
I'd like to think that some kind've PR would be appropriate about everything 
that is 
"happening" in AP."
  i think its too soon to do any form of marketing.  someone else said this 
awhile back too, but not sure who.  market what?  theres nothing there.  you 
want to attrack people to teh beachfront, for what?  people know there are 
things being built, and changes in effect.  they read about it in the pappers, 
or online, so they come to check things out.  this message group alone gives 
people a reason to come see whats going on.  you need to market developers, and 
other partys about asbury park.  give them ideas on what can be built, or what 
could be done.  you dont really want people coming here in the way i think you 
mean.  theyd come here, walk the boardwalk, and leave!  the things that do 
exist on the beachfront people already know about.

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