A lot has been demolished.  Fred Trump (Donald's father) knocked down 
Steeplechase Park.  The Thunderbolt coatser rotted for years before being 
demolished and Thor has already cleared many thing for the new development.  

----- Original Message ----
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2007 1:19:40 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Oldest Ferris Wheel in the United States Returns to 
Asbury Park

Yes, they have, but most of the original losses there were from fires,
not neglect like what has happened in our city.
I've been to Coney Island a few times in the past few years. Much of
the area is kinda run down and messy, but not all of it.
Every time I went there it was completely packed and fun.
The Cyclone truly kicks ass. It's a must ride roller coaster in my
opinion. The Wonder Wheel is also quite fun.
Even in it's current state, Coney Island still draws tons of people.
They built a successful minor league baseball stadium there. There are
also many free concerts there during the summer that feature top name
artists in a beautiful outdoor setting.
Everything they do there could, and should, be done in Asbury.
I honestly believe that the push for Condos is a pipe dream for AP.
People simply won't want to live in a city with 2 shootings in 3 days.
It's just not going to happen. There are too many other safe places
for people to move to.
Solving the crime problem in our city is going to take years, and so
far no real effort has been made to do so. The prostitutes are still
wandering around, the thugs are still wandering around and main street
still looks like crap. Go to the 7/11 on Main and be prepared for some
stinky homeless person to ask you for some money.
Yesterday morning my lawn got mowed and it looked great...until this
morning when I found no less then 3 discarded cheap liquor bottles on
my lawn.
If the push was for entertainment as it should be, I think people
would still come, because the city would step up the police presence
during the summer months, just like it had been done for decades here.
A properly planned entertainment push wouldn't just be a summer thing
either, because music venues operate year round. There is little or no
competition around in the music scene. Sure, Red Bank has the Count
Basie, which is great, but they are currently specializing in stuff
for an older crowd.
Last weekend, Convention Hall had a sold out rock show which brought
thousands of kids to the boardwalk, but where were the concessions?
Where did they go to eat? Certainly nowhere near Convention Hall.Many
of them showed up the night before, and there isn't really any nice
place for them to stay, except for the Empress. There were kids
sleeping on the boardwalk.
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Allan Peterson <nnjallans1@ ...> wrote:
> Coney Island lost a lot too. 
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Hinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
> Sent: Monday, April 2, 2007 12:35:26 PM
> Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Oldest Ferris Wheel in the United States
Returns to Asbury Park
> You know what I don't get? How this city allowed all of the gems of
the boardwalk to 
> deteriorate away.
> Go to Coney Island, and the Wonder Wheel, which is around 100 years
old is still in use, 
> still looks great and it's lovingly taken care of.
> Our city let all of our gems fall into ruin.
> Go to Europe, and it's common to wander around some of the older
city streets amongst 
> building that are 300 and 400 years old, built by hand, without
modern techniques, but 
> they are still there, in use, occupied etc.
> AP had a one of a kind beautiful boardwalk and it lasted barely 100
> It's sad and pathetic...and misguided.
> What little is left is falling apart. I took a close look at the
Berkley yesterday, and I didn't 
> realize what a mess it is.
> Convention Hall and the Paramount are a mess too. Cracks everywhere,
missing glass, the 
> old marquee is terrible looking, and the beautiful ships that once
graced the building are 
> in the worst condition they've ever been in.
> At least Cookman is looking good. 
> I ate at Taka the other night and I was amazed that I was in a cool
sushi place right here in 
> Asbury.
> Cookman and the surrounding area are the only saving graces of AP
for me at the 
> moment.
> I fear that the summer season at the boardwalk is going to be quite
sad indeed.
> We won't even have the ability to wander into Ocean Grove from the
boardwalk this 
> summer, and we definitely won't get the traffic into our boardwalk
from their either.
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, charlie leonard <oceanchuck@
...> wrote:
> >
> > "The sad part is that it could have been true if the Palace had not 
> > been destroyed.
> > 
> > Werner"
> > 
> > probably. i dont think it would have ever been used though. wasnt
it noted that the 
> steel most likely wouldnt be strong enough to use again? as a
operational wheel? i use to 
> follow the sitar farris wheel chronicals website. it was
interesting. if MM were serious 
> when they said rides on the open spaces on the boardwalk, then the
wheel could be put 
> together on a site, just for looks. maybe attached to a building
somehow. its in pretty 
> bad shape over at the golf course though, so who knows.
> > 
> > 
> > ------------ --------- --------- ---
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