In a message dated 9/12/2007 6:09:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm  going to humor you here.  Please advise whats wrong with  patriotism.  
USA USA USA is a good thing and not a bad thing.  Love  of country leads!

Gonna humor you for you go back to the spam folder where you remain  unread.
Nothing wrong with patriotism.  Jingoism is not patriotism.  
Sam Johnson - "The last refuge of scoundrels is patriotism."  That  kind of 
patriotism is one form of jingoism.
This White House manual for discouraging dissent, secret until it had to be  
released by a court case,
instructed Bush squad of rah-rah's to shout "USA!" over and over again so  
the media could not hear protestors,  And they were to be blocked from the  
media's cameras.  I posted links to that manual a few days ago.
USA! USA! USA! belongs in the sports arena maybe.  Not as a tactic to  stifle 
freedom of speech.
Love of country is great, as long as it doesn't turn into Chauvinism.
But USA! has been part of "dirty tricks" in many a campaign function to  
suppress.  That's not love of country.
Remember that old chestnut: I may disagree with what you say, but I'll  
depend to the death your right to say it.  (various authors).
That's love of country.

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