This post is a major bright spot on this  gloomy day!
In a message dated 11/6/2007 10:16:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

We are  where we are. I know for a fact that the entire council and
governing body  is fed up with Partners and wish they were gone. I am
not bowing down, but  I have decided to try to work with the council to
make things better here.  I think we all want the same thing and
despite any differences of opinions  I have had with certain council
members, I believe they have the best  interests of the city at heart.
I may think they are wrong at times or that  they do not have the
ability or wherewithal to do what is necessary, but  they are doing
what they think is correct.

Thus, we are all in the  same boat. The object is to move forward and
we should all put our  shoulders together and push in the same direction.


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