In a message dated 11/6/2007 11:27:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I have  always said that keeping that property in public control, for
example  leasing it to operators, would have been the best approach
instead of a  sale.

In addition the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credits  available
along with Preservation Grants that are targeted for public  sites
would have been very valuable.

As it is, its all private  property,
Decisions made during that group-think era when privatization was supposed  
to be the wave and savior of the future, and all public interests were swept  
aside.  Enron, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup et al.: So much for that  idea.

so why  is Code Enforcement not all over them like they are with some folks  ?
Has that uneven enforcement question ever been answered?


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