Sorry, I'm not from NY. And the shorts I bought were not $184, and I have not 
seen any shorts in there for $184. I guess you have not personally gone into 
the store to check. However, I do give you credit for profiling me as a Modern 
High End NY’er, even though you meant it as an insult, I’ll take that as a 
compliment because I am glad the NY’ers are coming to AP. If it wasn’t for 
them, this town would still be the sh!t hole that it was for most of your time 
here. Hicks? You are the one labeling people, not me. It seems like you are 
looking down your nose at anyone who does not want what YOU want. I personally 
find your holier than thou attitude offensive.   I personally hate Point 
Pleasant. I would prefer Asbury not turn into one. If you KNOW what appeals to 
board walkers why not put YOUR money where you mouth is? You criticize the 
businesses that are taking a chance here, yet you do nothing except bitch and 
complain because YOU wouldn’t
 have taken THAT chance.  Why don’t you open an arcade? You can charge $5 for a 
game of skeet-ball and $5 video games to cover the rent. I’m sure people will 
be lining up by the truck load. Then you and the rest of your bandwagon jumpers 
can continue taking credit for all the successes “That was my idea, I brought 
that up 15 yrs ago” and you can also take credit for the failures… “I told you 
that would never work, a clothes store on the boardwalk”.  
 At least I support what we have now! Cheers to the businesses that are taking 
a chance in Asbury. Boo to single sighted Asbury elitist who think their vision 
is the only vision.


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