Hi Andy.

I have looked into this a little more and noticed that the build within Eclipse 
Luna with AJDT works nicely, but fails with AspectJ Maven Plugin and on the 
command line via ajc.bat. So this might be a clue what it going wrong if you 
can answer one question: What does ADJT differently in comparison to Ajc with 
regards to build order or other relevant factors?

I have also noticed that if I remove the three Aspect files
  - GlyphCreation.aj
  - GlyphReplication.aj
  - VirtualSpaceReplication.aj
from zvtm-cluster, the module compiles fine. This is because these aspects rely 
on ObjIdIntroduction.aj being woven first as they expect the introduced methods 
to be present in the target classes from module zvtm-core.

I also tried to replicate a minimal sample with a Java project and an AspectJ 
project having the Java project on its inpath. The AspectJ project has three 
aspects which rely on each other's methods being present. It does not show any 
errors during compilation from either Eclipse or command line though. So 
probably you need to analyse the real project. To me it definitely looks like a 

Alexander Kriegisch

Andy Clement schrieb am 08.04.2015 22:20:

> If there is one ajc, yep. I'm afraid I haven't had a chance to dig further 
> into this yet.
> cheers
> Andy
> On 6 April 2015 at 12:34, Romain Primet <romain.pri...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:romain.pri...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>> > For a particular compilation we collect up all the aspects we know about. 
>> > We then apply all the aspects affecting the type structure (inter type 
>> > declarations, declare parents), then later we apply the advice.
>> > If you are describing a two step process where a compile step is relying 
>> > on something done via ITD in a later compile step, that is a bit dodgy, 
>> > but it might work due to reweaving. Since when the ITDs are applied in 
>> > that second compile we revert all classes back to their pre-weaving state 
>> > and apply the new aspects alongside the old aspects - effectively we are 
>> > discarding whatever the initial compile did.
>>  Given that there is only one invocation of ajc in the build process, I 
>> guess I'm in the former case ?
>> Cheers
>> Romain
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