Dear Bora,
First of all, let me welcome you to the Assamnet. You are right, the debates are really interesting and are usually full of passion.
The list you provided is pretty good. Over the years, netters have discussed many of the issues. I am sure you are going to get a earful, specially regarding the negatives, and you won't be alone at the receiving end. But then, often negatives have to be discussed, at least as some sort of introspection. In the past, we have often trailed into the depths of 'root causes' and cause & effect of these issues, and more often than not, we have never really been able to put any one issue to rest.
I would like to add bondhos as one negative aspect - at least in the frequency of these in Assam, and generally good religious tolerance among people as a positive (as compared to other states).
>4. Inclination to take things lying down. Chalta hai /
>hobo diok attitude.

heh! heh! heh!  The term 'Hobo diok' is a lightening rod issue. Some netters are not going to be happy about the term. :)

My request to you, would be, if you could,  to come up with possible solutions to some of the negatives that you have listed. This is just for discussion purposes, and not intended as a 'test' :)
Till then, welcome and happy discussions.

On 9/13/05, mayur bora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Friends,

I am new to the mailing list of .
Some of the debates among the netizens on issues
concerning Assam are really interesting. I am sure we
would be able to provide a new perspective on some
issues in respect of Assam with the help of our
collective wisdom. One of the most important issues
crossing my mind is to find out the relative strengths
and weaknesses of Assamese people in relation to other
people of India. I am trying to list below the
strengths and weaknesses of Assamese people and
solicit your opinion on that. I am using the word
Assanese in a broad sense encompassing all those
people whose mother tongue may not be Assamese, but
they have some concern for the state. Moreover the
traits indicated below are general in nature and
exceptions are not ruled out. The objective of this
exercise is to find out whether our weaknesses
outweigh the strengths resulting in the current
condition of the state vis a vis other states of the

Strength of Assamese People / Assam

1. Diverse and rich literary and cultural traditions

2. Favourable climatic condition

3. Healthy and relatively spice less cuisine

4. Great hospitality and relative simplicity of people

5. Fertile land

6. Rich flora and fauna

8. Major producer of  tea and oil

9. Tremendous tourism potential

10. Absence of dowry


1. Alienation of tribal people from the mainstream due
to the cavalier attitude shown by caste Hindu
Assamese. This has resulted in disunity and a sense of
mutual mistrust among different tribes. (I am a caste
Hindu myself)

2. Emotions getting precedence over logic in the minds
of the people

3. Public memory is always short-lived. It seems
shorter in case of Assamese.

4. Inclination to take things lying down. Chalta hai /
hobo diok attitude.

5. Havoc caused by the annual floods

6. Poor law and order condition due to activities of
different insurgent groups.

7. All pervasive feeling of tension and terror in
different parts of the state

8. Lack of business sense and entrepreneurial skills

9. Aversion for many forms of manual labour and over
dependence on others

10. Indifference to explore different legal ways of
making money like trade in equities, derivatives etc.

11. Disturbed demographic composition due to unabated
immigration of Bangladeshis

12. Divisive vote bank politics of all political

13. Govt apathy and indifferent bureaucracy (This is
more or less common for all the states of India)

14. Peculiar tendency among Assamese people to
denigrate or denounce any other Assamese who has
achieved something. Soku saraha sabhab

15. Poor connectivity

16. Infrastructural bottlenecks

17. Lack of industries.

18. Overdependence on the traditional methods of
agriculture and lack of mechanisation.

The list is only indicative not exhaustive. You are
most welcome to add, modify or delete any trait as you
deem fit. Moreover, it has been listed out randomly
and not as per increasing or decreasing order of

Looking forward to your valuable opinion on the issue.

Mayur Bora
13 Sept 2005

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