>One of the things you hear common people tell you (in Assam) is that there is big money in NOT getting the problems of >illegal or insurgency solved. It seems, it is beneficial to just keep the issues in the front burner - but,  NOT really find any >solutions.  Insurgents,  politicians, power blocks,  leaders, and unscruplous businesses reap huge benefits at the expense >of the common man - the khetiok, the kerani, the school mastor, etc.
You are absolutely correct. I probably have stated in the net before.
Nobody is actually interested in finding solutions to these damn problems.
It is not in the interests of those in power either in Assam or in India.
It is not in the interest of ULFA.
It is not in the interests of PCG.
It is not in the interests of Assamese business community.
Ans poor Hobo Diok Assamese public don't count anyway.
What is happening in Assam is Insurgency is being turned into a business carrer.
Or we may say Professional Insurgency at its best.
60-40 ? No I wil take 70-30? What do you say Doc?
Assam and the North East may teach the world a lesson.
As I said before:
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.
Happy New Year!!
----- Original Message -----
To: Barua25
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Illegal Bangladeshis, is it a myth?

 I don't see anybody from Assam writing in National Newsparers about the illegel immigration problem.
While the people in other states have little or no idea of the problem, politicians & insurgents  in Assam probably have no earthly desire to find a solution to the problem either.
One of the things you hear common people tell you (in Assam) is that there is big money in NOT getting the problems of illegals or insurgency solved. It seems, it is beneficial to just keep the issues in the front burner - but,  NOT really find any solutions.  Insurgents,  politicians, power blocks,  leaders, and unscruplous businesses reap huge benefits at the expense of the common man - the khetiok, the kerani, the school mastor, etc.
So, why on earth will the intellectuals/writers  ever write or make people of other states even aware of the problems? It is the same as the problem of  'others' not aware of the culture/language of Assam. We don't let them know, but feel bad that they are not aware of our existence.


On 12/31/05, Barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In all his analyes, Mr. Sanghvi has not mentioned Assam or the other Northeast states even once. The illegal immigration >problem is a major issue in these states. He mentions Mumbai, West Bengal and even Delhi, but is totally unaware of where >the actual problem lies. It is in Assam, Mr. Sanghvi. So, please make it a point to visit the state, and see for yourself, and do >brush up on your research.
Is Assam in India?
Sorry for asking the question, because I don't see anybody from Assam writing in National Newsparers about the illegel immigration problem. I remember vaguely the peopel of Assam had an agitation demanding all non Assamese out of Assam, but I did not know that illegel immigration from Bangladesh is also a problem there. I know it is a problem in Delhi, Mumbai and other cities.
Hey assam, please let us know what is your problem.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 7:54 PM
Subject: [Assam] Illegal Bangladeshis, is it a myth?

Here is an article from the Hindustan Times on the Bangladeshi migration.
The article made me so upset, I dashed off my comments in a hurry.
My comments are below (don't know if they will publish it  though).
I would urges others to also write to the HT if possible.
Making a 'Menace' of Migrants
Counterpoint | Vir Sanghvi (Jan 1, 2006)

Do you know how many illegal Bangladeshi immigrants there are in India? Are there 30 million of them? What about 20 million? Or is the figure as low as 10 million?

I ask because the truth is that nobody knows how many illegal Bangladeshi migrants have made India their home. Every figure you read will be an approximation or — and this is more likely — a simple guess. The 30-million figure, for instance, is usually quoted by people who want to claim that the problem of migration has now veered dangerously out of control. Because 30 million sounds more alarming than 10 million, it is this figure that will get quoted. But nobody knows that there are, in fact, 10 million illegal immigrants (the 30 million figure is just plain ridiculous) because no statistics exist.

At an intuitive level, however, we do recognise that there are many illegal migrants in India. The border between India and Bangladesh is porous and there is little that anyone can do to check migration. Moreover, many people in the border villages do not recognise that an international boundary exists. It is not uncommon for a man to cycle from a Bangladeshi village to a town in India to buy something — and for him to then cycle back home on the same day.

So, there are many Bangladeshis in the border districts of West Bengal. Because there are few cultural differences, they fit in easily with the local people. Many of these Bangladeshis do then make their way to such cities as Calcutta or Delhi.

This by itself should not be a cause for much concern. We were all part of the same country till 1947 and it is inevitable that people will keep moving between the nations of South Asia, no matter how the international boundaries are drawn.

But, we are repeatedly told, the "problem of Bangladeshi migrants" is different. First of all, there are supposed to be too many of them. Secondly, there is a danger that some of them will have terrorist links. And finally, there is no way that India can sustain such a huge burden on its resources. There are simply not enough jobs to go around.

If you think about it, none of this makes much sense. The figures, as we have seen, are just concoctions. The terrorism stuff is nonsense. There is very little evidence that Bangladeshis foment terrorism in India and no evidence at all that the rag-pickers, sweepers and domestic servants who constitute the bulk of the illegal migrant population have a terrorist agenda.

That leaves us with the not-enough-jobs-to-go-around argument. This seems reasonable enough till you realise that nobody objects to immigration from Nepal. In fact, we actually encourage Nepalis to come and seek employment in India and have special laws in place that enable them to cross the border without passports and to work without visas.

So, why are there enough jobs for Nepalis and not enough jobs for Bangladeshis?

Not only is the answer obvious but here's another fact: many of those who have left Bangladesh and opted for India are Hindus who feel increasingly alienated because of the Islam-isation of Bangladeshi society. But, do you ever hear of a drive against illegal Hindu immigrants? On the contrary, such parties as the BJP have invited Bangladeshi Hindus to seek shelter in India.

No doubt, there are enough jobs to go around when it comes to Bengali Hindus.

But why blame the BJP alone? The Congress is as responsible for creating the scare about illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. In 1993, when Narasimha Rao was Prime Minister, we made the mental shift from seeing Bangladesh as a source of cheap labour to suddenly seeing it as a menacing country from which millions of illegal immigrants would deprive happy Hindus of their jobs.

It was in 1993 that the government launched Operation Pushback which authorised the police to pick up thousands of poor Bengali Muslims from all over Delhi and to send them to the border. Bangladesh refused to accept these people — claiming that they were not Bangladeshis at all — and many were stuck in the no-man's land on the edge of the border before eventually sneaking back into India after bribing soldiers and officials.

Operation Pushback — and its equivalents in other cities — continues to this day even if the name has changed. It is still the responsibility of the police to round up illegal Bangladeshis and to send them back across the border. The Delhi Police, for instance, has ten Task Forces whose primary function is to scour Delhi looking for Bangladeshis to ship back to Dhaka. In other cities too — and the Bangladeshi scare has now taken hold in Bombay — more and more policemen are being pulled away from their normal duties ( i.e., the maintenance of law and order) and being told to concentrate on looking for Bangladeshis.

In my view, the police should have better things to do. But even if you disagree with me and
believe that illegal immigration is a serious problem, I don't think it is possible for anybody to support the manner in which alleged Bangladeshis are being deported.

I have been reading a pamphlet produced by the Citizen's Campaign for Preserving Democracy. Members of this group studied the way in which the police rounded up Bangladeshis. And what they found is truly disturbing.

First of all, many of the people being deported are not even Bangladeshis. Under the Foreigners Act, the burden of proof is on the accused and not on the police (you are guilty till proved otherwise). So the only way for a Bengali Muslim to prove that he is an Indian is to produce documentation. But few poor people in India possess any documents at all. So, the police can pick up and deport anybody they like as long as: a) he speaks Bengali, b) is a Muslim, and c) looks like he lacks the resources to defend himself.

Secondly, the notion of due process does not exist. All civilised countries constitute some kind of judicial body that serves as a court of appeal and allows the man who is being deported a chance to be heard.

In theory, India also allows for this kind of appeal. According to the Foreigners Act, there should be a tribunal. And the Illegal Migrants (DT) Act of 1983 has a provision for a tribunal.
But no tribunal has been constituted in Delhi under the Foreigners' Act. And as for the Illegal Migrants (DT) Act, well, that's not valid in Delhi.

In effect, this means that the authorities can decide that anybody is an illegal immigrant and can throw him out of the country. There is nothing a victim can do by way of protest. There is no appeal at all.

Thirdly, because the police are not very good at identifying illegal immigrants, they rely on a network of local informers who point out the so-called Bangladeshis. Because these informers are trusted implicitly by the police, they have complete power over their communities. Anybody who does not keep them happy will be deported unless he then pays off the local police. This is a system that lends itself to injustice and corruption and, of course, these are exactly the consequences that follow.

Fourthly, the Task Forces work on the basis of a quota. In a manner reminiscent of the sterilisation quotas during the Emergency, each Task Force has to identify 100 illegal Bangladeshi immigrants every day. Obviously, the police cut corners in an effort to fill this quota — even if this means deporting non-Bangladeshi Muslims.

And finally, there is a complete violation of all international protocol. Diplomatic procedure requires that if you are deporting nationals of another country, you inform that country's embassy or high commission. But nobody bothers to inform the Bangladeshi Mission.

What worries me the most about all this is that we in the media have been happy to go along with the Bangladeshi migration scare despite its plainly xenophobic and frankly communal nature. Perhaps this is because the victims of the injustice — the poorest of the poor, rag-pickers, slum-dwellers etc — do not constitute our readership or viewership or impinge on our world.

But this is no longer about poor people or even about Bangladeshis. It is about how we define ourselves as a society. Are we to become a country that allows policemen to pick up anybody they like and throw him out without any kind of due process? Or are we to be a society of laws where everyone has the right to be heard and where justice is freely dispensed?

How you answer those questions does, I think, determine your response to the drive against Bangladeshi migrants.

And my comments below sent to the Hindustan Times

Mr. Vir Sanghvi's article on illegal migration of Bangladeshis is yet another attempt to diffuse the menace to sheer nothingness. He claims there are 10 million of these migrants (because 30 million cannot be backed up by statistics). How does he then back up his 10 million figure. Maybe there are none, Mr.Sanghvi!

In all his analyes, Mr. Sanghvi has not mentioned Assam or the other Northeast states even once. The illegal immigration problem is a major issue in these states. He mentions Mumbai, West Bengal and even Delhi, but is totally unaware of where the actual problem lies. It is in Assam, Mr. Sanghvi. So, please make it a point to visit the state, and see for yourself, and do brush up on your research.
The biggest problem in Assam is that the Assamese are fast becoming a minority in their own state. The state is inundated by illegals, and this has been continuing for at least the last 50 + years. It is not just low paying menial jobs that are stake here. The whole geo-political situation in Assam (and other adjoining states) is rapidly changing. The local languages, cultures, and religious affiliations are vanishing fast and being replaced by this migrant menace.
Huge migrant populations also tax precious government resources. Many of these migrants have close ties with Pakistan's ISI and other undesirable elements.

Politicians don't seem to care as they depend on vote banks from this group. But true-blooded Indians should. Where is their sense of protecting national boundaries?
It is extremely important for all Indians to look at this problem seriously.
Yes, deportation proceedings for illegals should follow the rule of law, and it should not be left to the local Delhi or Mumbai police.
It is the sole responsibility of the Central Government to stem the migration and it must dealt with promptly.
People like Mr. Sanghvi seem to have just got wind of the problem because they see a few migrants in Delhi or Mumbai. It is high time the powers that be in Delhi and reponsible journalists wake up to the fact that India has been under a silent attack for the past so many decades. Just don't wait till the problem reaches your doorsteps in Mumbai and Delhi.
The problem is so acute, that there is a very good chance for states like Assam becoming a part of Bangladesh, for all practical purposes, in the near future. Is that what the rest of India want?

Ram Sarangapani
Houston, USA

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