Title: Re: [Assam] Supporting ULFA is rather a Moral Question
When one asks someone else to die for something one believe, that becomes a question of morality, question of ethics, not of expediency.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Supporting ULFA is rather a Moral Question

>Morally I will never support the actions of ULFA from a distance if I know their cases are doomed >as of Subas Bose and Phizo.

*** That is NOT morality. That is called expediency!

That damned English language again!!!

At 12:30 PM -0600 1/31/06, Rajen Barua wrote:
>"*** I don't 'CLAIM independence for Assam', whatever that means. But as a well-wisher of Assam I DO INDEED support Assam's sovereignty aspirations "
- Chandan:
>I am an US citizen, as you know. Thus it will be absurd for me to go 'CLAIM independence for Assam'. That would be elementary, wouldn't you think?
- Chandan
>If ULFA truly believes (rightfully or wrongfully) that India is an occupying force, why would they surrender? Did Naga leader Phizo ever surrender? Would
>Subhas Bose have surrendered to the British?
>A very mature letter. A man after my own heart :-).
- Chandan
>I have heard of all kinds of excuses people hold out why independence is scary for them, but never heard of this boogie you brought out.
Somehow the above comments bring to my mind as if some of us are trying to support ULFA the way one would support "Charge of the Light Brigade" from a distance. We can always support such aspirirations, and in fact inspire such aspirations from the comfort of America Armchair, because we have nothing to loose. 
I would rather comment the same way as Chandan did to Hemenda.
>"And coming from someone like yourself, who probably claimed US citizenship with a mere five or so years in the country, enjoying the benefits and protections >of a secular society with a rule of law,it is that much more unbecoming, hypocritical"
Morally I will never support the actions of ULFA from a distance if I know their cases are doomed as of Subas Bose and Phizo. Morally I would have to join them if I believe what they believe.

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