Excellent Manoj,
Thats a very good take on the issue of IC. Most IC problems are ultimately resolved by continual successes.
Interestingly, a few years ago we were in New Zealand, and one of the things the Kiwis would tell you is that in NZ there was general feeling of 'loneliness" and a sense of being far away from the rest of the world. Psychologists and others in NZ are saying that this has had some effect on the general thinking and attitude of the people etc.
-Ram da

On 3/11/06, Manoj Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Rajenda

> have discussed this issue many times in the net.  This is something we can
> remove by our leaders first by getting rid of this 'IC' themselves and then
> educating the people by their actions. (Please note that we use the net not
> to solve problems but just to use it as a 'sounding borad' to test our
> idea's. From that angle the net is a very cruel sounding borad. It will hit
> one back and may hurt if the idea is not sound or true.)

A community develops IC if the overall achievement is less than the
community/ities that surrounds them. We have IC bacause we don't have
heroes. Indians as a whole suffered that till now, but the things are
changing. This year's Forbes has listed 23 billioners from India
against China's 8. So it's bragging time for India. Same way when
kharkhowas start performing then this IC will evaporate.

We in Delhi had lot of IC about 2 decades back. During last half
decade we had 2 Secretaries in GoI, CMD of ONGC, CMD of OIL, Secretary
general of ASSOCHAM, Exexcutive Editor of TIMES NOW TV (Arnab
goswami), 2/3 cabiner Minsiters, 2 Justices of Supreme Court, about
300 journos, TV reporters, promoter of Bank, 2 jnanpeeth awardees..etc
etc.we have the great 'joowai" Amjad Ali Khan and bhagins
"Amaan-Ayaan" appearing of dailies every week.

Kharkhowas are excellent professionals in delhi and are making a mark
as real employable profies. we have a housing colony here
"Pragjyotishpur apartmnts, and laetst number is put at 50000. Our bihu
has been accepted as a folk dance better than bhangra, sattriya is
catching the imagination of classical dance lovers. we are on teh
verge of completing our show piece project srimanta sankaradeva bhawan
this 'bohag'.

All these combined have brought down our IC level. We are also seen
with respect for our fighting spirit, thanx to ULFA dadas and

> Regarding your other  slogan "desh matho eta dharana, thikanar shesh shari",

Very nice line and true when you are inside the country. But once
outside doesnot this name come first on the passport?


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