Title: Re: [Assam] Acute inferiorty complex IC

Mr. Chandan Mahanta,


It is a matter of great distress that you are sending me copies of letters that you write to others.


On March 8, 2006, I wrote to you that : 


Your accusation that I am involved in a crime “to perpetrate ethnic-cleansing, to send them to gas-chambers” is a blatant insinuation. You must take full responsibility of what you wrote.


I demand you immediately retract what you wrote and tender your apology to me.


You have not retracted your above accusations. Pending that, you cannot send me any e-mail.


Please stop sending e-mail directly to me.


Yours truly,

Himendra Thakur

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Acute inferiorty complex IC


I have no problem with Ram or anyone else interpreting the way they do or attempt to defend whomever they do, in turn or out of turn.

I understand your desire to get an answer from Himen-da, I do too. But as recent history amply illustrates, it is very unlikely to appear. Himen-da does not reply when he paints himself into an intellectual corner with his own arguments.

But be that as it may, Ram's arguments hold no water anyway, as I explained moments earlier.


At 4:21 PM -0600 3/11/06, Barua25 wrote:
Pleasedon't mind my saying so, but have noticed couple of times that you try to come out for somebody else's defense without giving the person a chance to respond or make his point. I think this also shows disrespect to the person unless you know for sure the other person's position.  In view of that I will resist responding to this message and say anything against Himenda simply because I don't know if what you are saying are also Himend'as point of view.  I think you are talking things out of context.  But I would rather show respect to the person and let him respond.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ram Sarangapani
To: Chan Mahanta
Cc: Barua25 ; Himendra Thakur ; assam@assamnet.org ; Dilip/Dil Deka ; J Kalita ; Ginima Barua ; Indrajit Barua
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Acute inferiorty complex IC

I am surprised!
>Himenda's attempts to Sanskritize Oxomiya words and phrases, demonstrates his own insecurity and inferiority >complex as an Oxomiya -- driving him to Sanskritized versions of words and phrases. He even writes 'desh', as in >deshotkoi'.
One could also argue (quite effectively) that trying to do just the opposite is because of one's own inferiority complex and insecurity.
If Assamese is being Sankritized,  would that be a scary scenario for some? If so, why are they scared? Don't they have the confidence that the language is and always has been strong from these onslaughts?
Look at English. One of the reasons its so popular is because it borrows heavily from many languages (many Indian ones included), and the language is ever evolving with inclusions of even words from American rap music.
So, the question is: Are Americans or the English have doubts that their language will be diluted because the English language resorts to constantly borrowing from Non Anglo-Saxon/Greek/Lantin languages?
My whole take on this is: Its fine for any language to borrow unique ways of writing some words from other languages - that only makes the language richer and becomes inclusive. The option of writing a word like Dex in other forms (des or desh) might indicate that the language is not just inclusive but also has several "accepatble" ways of writing certain words. Isn't that more welcoming to others.
I am no expert in these matters, and could be totally off base - but these are my thoughts for the moment and am willing to change them if I could be convinced. AKN should really weigh in this.

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