
*** That is about the most convoluted explanation of democracy and
egregious spin on India's behavior
I have heard  so far Ram.

I am trying to differentiate here: The Gujars and the Meenas are clashing in
Rajasthan - basically one group does not want the other to get ST status
(while they, themselves should). Without going into the details who should
and who shouldn't, the basic underpinning of this whole this is Economics.

Neither the Gujars or the Meenas (IMHO) would be so concerned of their
Scheduled Tribe Status if there were jobs and other resources aplenty. After
all - the 6th Schedule is only in the Constitution - and whether it is or
isn't the Gujars and the Meenas will remain whatever they have been  -
Tribes or non-Tribes. So, why the big rushing need to be included in the 6th
- Jobs and oppturnities.

A mjor cause to most of India's problems (including ULFA ) can be traced to
economics, wants and needs, as opposed to "we are separate cultural
identity" argument per se. I would even go a bit further - sometimes even
"demands" for the preservation cultural identities ties back to economics.
Hence, such cultural identities prove to be a boon - hence,
Marathis/Bodos/Assamese or in this case Gujars or Meenas form numbers
to jostle for better economic benefits. The other thing to fact is political
power - ie. politicians play one group against the other for such power.


On 6/1/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >The right to bandhs, hartals, strikes are possible in India because its
a democracy and they happen >because there is NOT enough to go around. It
does  not happen in the US because most of the most >common things have
already been met.

*** That is about the most convoluted explanation of democracy and
egregious spin on India's behavior I have heard  so far Ram.

At 10:34 AM -0600 5/31/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

Oh! I forgot, C'da

LA riots (after the OJ Simpson thing), NY Black  out . maybe I am
forgetting a few.

But you are right, the US has far fewer of such riots than India or most
of the up & coming economies do.  And that can be attributed, in general, to
the limited resources, and too many people these countries have.

If some of the countries have democracies, there are demonstrations,
protests etc - which often go haywire. If they are NOT democratic then they
can be quelled swiftly.

The right to bandhs, hartals, strikes are possible in India because its a
democracy and they happen because there is NOT enough to go around. It does
not happen in the US because most of the most common things have already
been met.


On 5/31/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In the US, we have several examples (which C'da will be glad to expand
on, I am sure).

*** Yes, but we are comparing apples and oranges.

>Elian Gonzalez

** It was case of enforcement of a court order. No one was killed if I am
not mistaken.

>Ruby Ridge

*** It was a case of criminal kidnapping.

>David Koresh

*** Again a criminal case of confinement and refusal to submit to a court
order, leading to a police/paramiltary raid, to defy which the inmates of
the commune committed mass suicide.

None of these were anything akin to political /social disaffections ,
ignored by authorities, leading to demonstrations that turned into rioting
terminated by military /police firing against their OWN PEOPLE.

At 8:29 AM -0600 5/31/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

Just to butt in here a bit.

In the US, we have several examples (which C'da will be glad to expand on,
I am sure).

Elian Gonzalez

Ruby Ridge

David Koresh

In the last two, (it wasn't the US Army) but paramil. forces - people got

On 5/31/07,* SANDIP DUTTA* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Still waiting to hear what happens in similar situations in US of A - say
like if some African Americans were to protest again over Hurricane Katrina?
Maybe we should learn and implement similar policies here.

Do they get 125 yrs jail...or Guantanamo Bay?.......or there's political



----- Original Message ----
From: umesh sharma < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:56:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] BBC E-mail: Army deployed after India riots


it confirms my opinion that Gujjars are not that backward -- in comparison
to the tribes /castes who are in SC ST category -- nobody oppresses them -
but they are maig this demand after upper caste have got 10% reservation in
Rajasthan and Jats -another dominant warrior caste (rules Alwar and Haryana)
has been included in OBC category by former Congress govt. of Rajasthan



"Think deeper" - he he!

How much deep info did you have about Meenas, Gujjars etc in Rajasthan? -
before you read the BBC report?

And you already decided it was a legitimate demand?

BTW, you didnt answer what happens in the US of A.



----- Original Message ----
From: Chan Mahanta < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:10:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] BBC E-mail: Army deployed after India riots


You need to to think a little DEEPER!

WHY did RIOTING have to take place to begin with? Did these people wake up
one fine morning and decided, : Heck, things are dull,  let us go burn some
buses today and  cut-off policemen's limbs?

Think about it and come back with your questions again.


At 6:06 AM -0700 5/31/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:

Hello Sondon Da,

As far as I understand, police and RAF are meant to maintain law & order
and prevent rioters getting out of hand. Thats their job. Army is called in
only when situation gets out of control. Same approach is applied
everywhere. Local Admin calls in the army. In this case, Rajasthan police
had no experience handling anything of this kind in the last many decades.

May we know what approach is taken towards rioters who use violence as a
form of protest and then try justifying it - in the worlds greatest
demokrasy - your home, the United EStates of Amrika? I mean people who
damage govt. property, possibly kill and maim others and try to undermine
state authority?



----- Original Message ----
From: Chandan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
To: assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:59:35 AM
Subject: [Assam] BBC E-mail: Army deployed after India riots

Chandan Mahanta saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Message **
This is typical of the Indian state's conflict resolution program, which
has not changed in sixty years after freedom.

** Army deployed after India riots **
Troops are deployed in India's Rajasthan state after 14 people are killed
in clashes over government job quotas.
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/2/hi/south_asia/6703133.stm >

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