Can Yours Truly add on?
Saw this in a blog at CR4 site I comment in:
<And in that vein, I was talking to a compatriot the other day, and the topic 
of the 60's generation came up - it seems the same level of mistrust of 
government and general rebelliousness is still alive and well in the hearts of 
the baby boomers but the difference is now we're old and generally have more 
money than we did back then. Perhaps, it was suggested, we could finance our 
own revolution, outsource an army (since ours is busy every where else right 
now)to take back the government from the special interest groups, kick the 
parasites, demagogues, and criminals out of Washington, DC, and return our 
government to what it was originally meant to be. Something to ponder. Of 
course in this day and age it could get you rendered to a foreign country and 
tortured so if there are any HS agents out there watching this forum, it was 
all in jest and simply amounted to the ramblings of the pre-Alzhimers coalition 
over cups of weak coffee. If I were in S. Spain I'd be right there with you at 
Harley Dees - if you're ever in the US, the S. US give me a yell and we can get 
> That's what I told MMS "Liberate us->and We liberate you"
And Yours Truly posted earlier thus:


Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Long.92E,Lat.26N
Posts: 456

 Re: Bridge collapse 
08/05/2007 10:59 AM 

<avoidable disaster >-- you said it all.
GWB will now visit the site and tell them "Do it again-we will foot the bill".
I am sure nobody will tell him "Not like the one which fell--but like the one 
by the side which did not"(The one standing is Arch Below with Spandrels)
Look at  reliable bridges of Yore--all Arches.
Look at what France does since high-strength wires came up :
I saw in Shanghai a Steel TopArch Bridge with span 500m 
The one that fell in Minneapolis was 100m!
In India ,Arch Bridges are almost Unknown.The never taught us arch designs.
> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 16:01:46 -0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > All I ask 
> is WHAT exactly were you and your cheering> > section, ably > > led by 
> Krishendu, trying to prove or disprove ?> > Once I get a bearing > > on that, 
> I will be pleased to share my thoughts.> > > > Take care.> > > > c-da> > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 
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