--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  >I understand.  However it looks more like ULFA
> is in
> >armed conflict against people of Assam rather then
> India.
> *** That is because you consider those who do not
> subscribe to ULFA's 
> views are the true representatives of Assam. That
> maybe so. But why 
> don't  those who sport that halo, hold a referendum
> and decide, once 
> and for all, who the true reps. of Assam are? ULFA
> has publicly 
> agreed to accept the verdict of the people.

During last couple of elections Assam has witnessed at
least 65% or more vote casting.  This essentially
means that at least 65% of Assam's people believe in
Indian Constitution.  What other verdict you want ??

> That would be a way to bring the conflict to an end.
> >And BTW,  if you are guarding ULFA on pretext of
> war, why not apply 
> >the same yardstick when it >comes to GOI???
> *** I don't have any obligations to GoI. My
> obligations are to the 
> people of Assam, their rights and their well-being. 

Hmmm....  and what well being do you see in kiiling
the children of Dhemaji or school teacher or numerous
other Assamese (I am excluding Biharis here)  who have
been killed.  What well being do you see in dictating
people Not to host Indian Flag.

> I also do not 
> come from the ranks of those the who laughably sport
> the halo of 
> being  'fair and-blanced' :-).

We never thought you to be "fair and balanced"  :)

> >Whether they will publish this debate or not is
> something which they 
> >can answer.
> *** I did not ask you to speak for them. Just your
> opinion of whether 
> they should is what I was hoping to hear.
> >  So is it that only those journalists who favor
> your view are true journalist?
> *** Is that something I said or implied? Or is that
> 'damned English 
> language' problem again :-)?

Then why come down so heavily on Nava Thakuria, DN
Bezbarua et al.

> >  >Even if the Assam Press initiates a debate do
> you guarantee that 
> >your cohorts will not threaten those
> >who debates for Assam being a part of India ?
> *** If your cohorts do, or you do, I will surely
> attempt to get the 
> approval of mine. But ULFA has publicly said, many
> times, that they 
> would accept the verdict of a referendum. The need
> for a debate prior 
> to such a referendum is implicit.

Well,  you should definitely try to get approval of
your "cohorts"  who threatened a couple of journalists
just a few weeks back ......

I do not think my "cohorts"  ever threatened any one.

> >send a letter to your local newspaper explaining
> Why St Louis should 
> >be Free from USA  and that you >will support a war
> against USA if it 
> >is not freed.....
> *** That would be a very dumb thing to do, and the
> analogy could not 
> be more absurd.  St. Louis is not demanding to be
> free of the USA, 

Assam is not demanding to be free of India... it is CM
and ULFA who is demanding it. 
On a similar analogy, CM can surely demand St Louis to
be free from US .

> much less  waging a quarter century old insurgency.
> But if it does 
> been, I will certainly  comply with your request.

All insurgency start at some point by some people. So
you can surely start one (or attempt to start one) now
and see how your funtional democracy and press reacts.
  This will also give us an opportunity to learn how
GOI should have tackled ULFA when it first started
this insurgency.

> >Actually ..... not a single case of success  ....
> not much of 
> >accomplishment :)
> *** You sure know how to hurt a guy.

Taking it as a complement :)

> >Same on the other side is true ... particulrly when
> you try avoiding 
> >difficult question
> *** I  think you are toiling under an Oxomiya bhaxa
> problem too :-). 
> Avoiding difficult questions, evasiveness,  is not
> analogous to 
> refusing to admit what stares one in the face.

Uh .... I do not have any Oxomiya Bhaxa problem.  Why
I equated it is because by avoiding such unpleasant
questions you do just the same --- "refuse to admit
what stares one in the face"

> At 11:46 AM -0700 8/14/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
> wrote:
> >  > *** ULFA is in an armed conflict with India. It
> is a
> >>  war . In wars
> >>  such fundamental rights as speech or freedom of
> >>  expression  are some
> >>  of the most early and consistent victims, across
> the
> >>  world.
> >
> >I understand.  However it looks more like ULFA is
> in
> >armed conflict against people of Assam rather then
> >India. 
> >
> >And BTW,  if you are guarding ULFA on pretext of
> war,
> >why not apply the same yardstick when it comes to
> >GOI???
> >
> >
> >
> >*** Now can you tell us why the press in Assam
> would
> >>  not allow an
> >>  informed, unfettered
> >>  discussion/debate  about why  Assam ought to be
> free
> >>  or NOT ? Would
> >>  they publish the debate we had in this forum?
> >
> >Whether they will publish this debate or not is
> >something which they can answer.  However,  a
> couple
> >of years back a similar debate from AssamNet was
> >published in Assam Tribune, if I remember correct.
> >
> >Have you tried sending an article /letter to Assam
> >Press?
> >There have been many instances when you have cited
> >articles from Assam/Indian press in support of your
> >view.  So is it that only those journalists who
> favor
> >your view are true journalist?
> >Even if the Assam Press initiates a debate do you
> >guarantee that your cohorts will not threaten those
> >who debates for Assam being a part of India ?
> >
> >Now let us turn to your ideal and functioning
> democary
> >..... Try this ....
> >send a letter to your local newspaper explaining
> Why
> >St Louis should be Free from USA  and that you will
> >support a war against USA if it is not freed..... 
> if
> >you need to find a reason I can help you ....  let
> us
> >see how your functioning democracy and its press
> >treats you.
> >
> >>  *** Helping educate people like yourselves,
> although
> >>  not always
> >>  successfully .
> >
> >Actually ..... not a single case of success  ....
> not
> >much of accomplishment :)
> >
> >In this context, the 'nwdhown gaa
> >>  dhouaali, nakhawn
> >>  bhaat khuali, nigilw ki koro kor' factor plays
> out
> >>  quite often :-).
> >
> >Same on the other side is true ... particulrly when
> >you try avoiding difficult questions.
> >
> >
> >
> >--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>  >
> >>  >Do you think that ULFA (or Anyone else) should
> deny
> >>  >anybodys right to host Indian Flag ?
> >>
> >>
> >>  *** ULFA is in an armed conflict with India. It
> is a
=== message truncated ===

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