--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ram,
> Your response here , unfortunately, smacks of the
> immensely 
> uncreative and unimaginative but argumentative one.
> It fits right in 
> the mold of the Indian govt. policies spanning
> decades, uncreative, 
> unproductive, stuck in the muck of their own
> creations.
> You have no goal here, nothing to aim for,
> quarreling for the sake of 
> quarreling; very similar to what some of these
> journalists have been 
> doing.  So I can understand your empathy for the
> targets of my 
> criticism.
> Could you tell us what is wrong or bad in my
> suggestions? NO.

Yes,   your suggestions revolve around Sovereign Assam
 and you do not want to hear anything which suggest
improvement within Indian framework (similar to the
saying which you mentioned).  The Assam Press have
been a lot critical of GOI/GOA policies and steps then
you     but the difference is they do constructive
criticism and they do see some of the improvements of
India/Assam too.   Whether GOI/GOA take any lesson
from their criticizm is a different story (just the
way your GOUSA not always learn  lessons from US
You have in fact discounted the whole of Indian Press
under Desi-Demokrasy  but you are the one who uses
articles by Tavleen Singh and others as well as news
reports from Indian news papers to kill GOI/GOA. 

> Could you present a better alternative? None!

Yes,  open your eyes and see how India is improving
....  shed the arms and be a part of this development.
 there are a number of private investors who are eager
to invest in smaller towns and cities only if there is
no threat to their life/business

> And  could you explain the contradiction in the
> claim about
> >      "------During last couple of elections Assam has
> witnessed at
> >     >least 65% or more vote casting.  This essentially
>                >means that at least 65% of Assam's people
> believe in
>                >Indian Constitution.
> that Krishnendu posted, echoing your and others' 
> claims of elections 
> as a  proof of Assam voters'  issue awareness or
> informed expression 
> of preferences  as it relates to the B'deshi
> immigration issue and 
> the GoI/GoA's  non-acknowledgement and inaction over
> it, while that 
> segment of the Assam press  that cries hoarse over
> it and whom you 
> are attempting to shield from criticisms here ?

Thanks for rejecting the voting by Indian/Assamese
population.  This really  shows how much willing you
are to accept the verdict of people. You will surely
reject the referendum on similar flimsy ground that
these people do not know what they are doing.  And
before you jump on debate and discussion ,  if there
is a really free platform to debate (without threats
from some sections),  there will be many more voice
rejecting the Sovereignty issue.  

As you have noticed,  the Assamese intellegsia has
already rejected Sovereign Assam theory (if you think
otherwise, tell me 10 prominent people of Assam who
support it);   you have already rejected the voting by
common people of Assam ..... so who remains to support
you on your referendum.

> I will let netters decide that.
> c-da
> At 10:27 PM -0600 8/14/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> >C'da,
> >
> >I think I will respond to this post. It kinda
> explains what exactly 
> >you meant. Moreover, I am having a difficulty in
> keeping track of 
> >who said what, and all the cut & paste:)
> >
> >So here goes,
> >>I will stop at this post.
> >I agree, we seem to be rehashing everything:)
> >
> >  >Assam journalists have been crying endlessly
> about  a number of
> >>issues, like ULFA, B'deshis, corruption and the
> like.
> >
> >Well, that is obviously what they seem to be
> interested in.
> >
> >  >However they have utterly failed in their
> journalistic duties in 
> >investigating, >analyzing and educating the public
> about the causes 
> >of these problems
> >
> >Who sets these standards of journalism? If they
> followed your advice 
> >and found the GOI/GOA  the main reason for all the
> violence, would 
> >that make it better?
> >  >Nor have they offered any achievable and
> sustainable
> >>solutions to what they cry about, that I am aware
> of. 
> >
> >Actually, I have read numerous times the
> Sentinel/AT calling for 
> >peace talks etc. Now, whether they are deemed
> achievable or 
> >sustainable is really in the eye of the beholder.
> >I really don't see anybody being able to convince
> anyone. Basically, 
> >no one sees eye to eye.
> >
> >  >Nor does symbolic flag-waving, appeals to the
> people and so forth. 
> >All that does is >promote or publicize their own
> piety, something 
> >that does not in any way help
> >>Assam in its woes.
> >
> >True, but who has been doing this?  I can guess,
> but then, I would 
> >have to come up with proof - which I can't pin down
> at the moment:)
> >--Ram
> >
> >__________________
> >
> >
> >On 8/14/07, Chan Mahanta 
> wrote:
> >
> >Just so this discussion does not relapse into the
> same old repetition
> >of  your or my positions, I will stop at this post.
> >
> >The point is not about MY views or Thakuria's or DN
> Bezbaruah's.
> >Assam journalists have been crying endlessly about 
> a number of
> >issues, like ULFA, B'deshis, corruption and the
> like. However they
> >have utterly failed in their journalistic duties in
> investigating,
> >analyzing and educating the public about the causes
> of these problems
> >or how they can be resolved and how the people can
> become a part of
> >the solution . Nor have they offered any achievable
> and sustainable
> >solutions to what they cry about, that I am aware
> of.  Wishful
> >thinking, or calling names, or sermonizing and
> lecturing those they
> >disagree with do not qualify as such. Nor does
> symbolic flag-waving,
> >appeals to the people and so forth. All that does
> is promote or
> >publicize their own piety, something that does not
> in any way help
> >Assam in its woes. As responsible and effective
> journalists, a key
> >element of a functioning democracy ( unlike
> desi-demokrasy that is),
> >they owe it to  their readers, to seek out those
> who have the ability
> >to offer such achievable solutions and air them, if
> they cannot offer
> >them themselves.  The least they can do.
> >
> >That in essence was what I wrote to Thakuria. If
> you believe that was
> >a bad or destructive set of suggestions, you ought
> to point out that
> >, explaining why.  Or if you have better ideas you
> ought to present
> >those. That will be meaningful. But to go on as you
> have, with absurd
> >demands and assertions
> >
> >  >like   "---During last couple of elections Assam
> has witnessed at
> >>least 65% or more vote casting.  This essentially
> >>means that at least 65% of Assam's people believe
> in
> >Indian Constitution.  What other verdict you want
> ??
> >
> >merely underscores your clueless disposition. And
> if you are
> >wondering why it is clueless, try reconciling that
> with yours and
> >Assam journalists' laments about the B'deshi
> immigration issue and
> >why the voters don't care about it as proven by
> their election and
> >re-election  of those who would not even
> acknowledge it as a problem,
> >much less do anything about it.  And when you do,
> enlighten us about
> >it.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
=== message truncated ===

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