>Printing articles
> of  Tavleen Singh 
> criticizing Delhi does not do a damn thing for
> Assam.

So, let us know why you publish those Or for that
matter the news items on what Delhi or Mumbai police
is doing?

I don' t care
> what India is 
> doing or when Indians are going to the moon or to
> hell in a 
> hand-basket.

Then why cry hoarse on Indian Education System ...  
you really do not care  right ??

> Can you or anybody else here explain why there is
> nothing useful or 
> meaningful  to show for Rs. 300,000,000 a year for
> 32,000,000 people 
> of the region?

A couple of things off the head --- flyovers of
Guwahati,  Software Technology Park in Borjhar (though
there are no takers because of threat to
life/business), Tejpur University, the Golden
quadrilateral road network connecting Assam to rest of
I know Health/Primary education etc remains concern
..... but these matters are in State Govt's hand , 
why blame Delhi for these?  There have been umpteen
cases where funds allocated have been returned
unutilized and/or shared by top Assamese officials
with blessing of Dispur ....where does GOI comes in
picture here ???

You mentioned that GOI allocated Rs. 300,000,000 a
year for Assam ?  If GOA cannot utilize it or misuses
it, HOW GOI is to be blamed?  How other states are
utilizing it?   How will you ensure that the GOA of
Independent Assam will NOT misuse public fund ?  

You realy could not show who are the people who
support Sovereignty (other then you) ?  

You have mentioned couple of times -- Assam is living
life of beggar etc

why do you think Assam is living in dependency,
beggars life etc.?  

If it is because Assam is a part of India, don’t you
think that in Independent Assam,   all districts of
Assam will be living in dependency, beggars life
because Guwahati (or some other place) will be capital
of Independent Assam and will "loot"  from these
districts ….. so we just shift our target from Delhi
to Guwahati?  

Tea and Petroleum,  the two major resources of Assam, 
are concentrated in certain districts ... not spread
evenly across Assam.  Don't you think these districts
will then start asking for  Independence from Assam? 
And drill it down further ... every town will want to
be a Independent Country.


If you think things will be different, why?  What is
your model?   


How do you envision an independent Assam?   What are
your objectives and how you plan to achieve those ?


I would assume that this will be the most important
point if you start a debate …. How will you ensure
that the people of Assam will have a better life then
what they have today and how will you ensure that
there will be no further disintegration (with 100+
militant groups in NE,  seems like we need to have
100+ countries in NE )?  How will you handle the
illegal immigration issue?

You have been harping on India/Delhi's evils.  How do
we know that we are not moving to a greater evil? 
Given the experience of managing Dispur by our one
time great student leaders, we need some concrete plan
and proof how  you can give us a Xonor Axom ? We also
need to know the credibility of People who are going
to run the (Islamic ?) republic of Assam? 
With all of Assam's population right from bureaucrats
to School Teachers to Journalists opposing Soverignty,
who are the people who will work with you and why ?

In last one decade you have been asking for
Independence citing evils of India but have always
eluded when it came to answering HOW you are going to
give us a better life and how you are going to run the

And with GOUSA going on a spree looting oil rich
countries, are you sure they will not target Assam
soon ?

On a different context,  I just noticed Assam.org
mentions that Assam produces over half of India's
petroleum.  However,  on a GOI site, I found that
Assam & Nagaland Produces around 13% of India's
Petroleum .  Does anyone know what is the correct

--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am perfectly willing to hear about Indian reforms
> that are real, 
> achievable , sustainable and addresses the issues
> involving Assam , 
> its disaffections and its progress. But let us get
> one thing straight 
> first: It is NOT about ME. Wouldn't YOU want to hear
> about it? 
> Wouldn't ALL want to hear of it?
> To charge, as an argument, that I don't want to hear
> of it 'in the 
> Indian framework' ( heh-heh, that must be some
> framework alright)  is 
> the most preposterous proposition one can imagine.
> But these 
> inquisitions have been mostly that, over and over
> again.
> If I did not, I would not ask Indian flag-wavers to
> propose them. 
> Jairam Ramesh could propose them, or Laloo Yadav or
> even Narendra 
> Modi. I have been waiting for twenty five years to
> see it happen, 
> even in little increments, but perceptibly and
> making a difference.
> However  it does not take a genius to see where
> Ramesh 
> stood--throwing in the towel , with his comment.
> Critical essays are not enough. Nor is
> chest-thumping demonizing 
> Tarun Gogoi or Prafulla Mahanta. Printing articles
> of  Tavleen Singh 
> criticizing Delhi does not do a damn thing for
> Assam.  One needs to 
> look at Assam's unique problems and help find
> solutions for them. 
> Obviously Indian governance has not been able to do
> that for sixty 
> years. That is easily understandable. Indian
> governance has remained 
> as dysfunctional as it always have been. They are
> unable  seek out 
> people who have better ideas, achievable ideas, from
> outside the 
> establishment if they have to, Import them if they
> must.
> Show me one thing from the Indian press that has
> attempted to deal 
> substantially with Assam issues, pinpoint problems
> and offer 
> solutions.
> >Yes,  open your eyes and see how India is improving
> *** How does is that helping Assam?  I don' t care
> what India is 
> doing or when Indians are going to the moon or to
> hell in a 
> hand-basket. Show me how  it is helping  Assam.
> Can you or anybody else here explain why there is
> nothing useful or 
> meaningful  to show for Rs. 300,000,000 a year for
> 32,000,000 people 
> of the region? Don't forget your 65% voter
> participated election
> generated democratic government running the show.
> But I won't hold my breath on anyone touching that
> subject, unless 
> wrapped with a thick tarpaulin of 'no-comprendo' or
> some other 
> insulating device :-).
> At 11:22 AM -0700 8/15/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
> wrote:
> >--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>  Ram,
> >>
> >>  Your response here , unfortunately, smacks of
> the
> >>  immensely
> >>  uncreative and unimaginative but argumentative
> one.
> >>  It fits right in
> >>  the mold of the Indian govt. policies spanning
> >>  decades, uncreative,
> >>  unproductive, stuck in the muck of their own
> >>  creations.
> >>
> >>  You have no goal here, nothing to aim for,
> >>  quarreling for the sake of
> >>  quarreling; very similar to what some of these
> >>  journalists have been
> >>  doing.  So I can understand your empathy for the
> >>  targets of my
> >>  criticism.
> >>
> >>
> >>  Could you tell us what is wrong or bad in my
> >>  suggestions? NO.
> >>
> >
> >Yes,   your suggestions revolve around Sovereign
> Assam
> >  and you do not want to hear anything which
> suggest
> >improvement within Indian framework (similar to the
> >saying which you mentioned).  The Assam Press have
> >been a lot critical of GOI/GOA policies and steps
> then
> >you     but the difference is they do constructive
> >criticism and they do see some of the improvements
> of
> >India/Assam too.   Whether GOI/GOA take any lesson
> >from their criticizm is a different story (just the
> >way your GOUSA not always learn  lessons from US
> >Press).
> >You have in fact discounted the whole of Indian
> Press
> >under Desi-Demokrasy  but you are the one who uses
> >articles by Tavleen Singh and others as well as
> news
> >reports from Indian news papers to kill GOI/GOA.
> >
> >
> >>  Could you present a better alternative? None!
> >
> >Yes,  open your eyes and see how India is improving
> >....  shed the arms and be a part of this
> development.
> >  there are a number of private investors who are
> eager
> >to invest in smaller towns and cities only if there
> is
> >no threat to their life/business
> >
> >>
> >>  And  could you explain the contradiction in the
> >>  claim about
> >>
> >>  >  "------During last couple of elections Assam
> has
> >>  witnessed at
> >>  > >least 65% or more vote casting.  This
> essentially
> >>             >means that at least 65% of Assam's
> people
> >>  believe in
> >>             >Indian Constitution.
> >>
> >>
> >>  that Krishnendu posted, echoing your and others'
> >  > claims of elections
> >>  as a  proof of Assam voters'  issue awareness or
> >>  informed expression
> >>  of preferences  as it relates to the B'deshi
> >>  immigration issue and
> >>  the GoI/GoA's  non-acknowledgement and inaction
> over
> >>  it, while that
> >>  segment of the Assam press  that cries hoarse
> over
> >>  it and whom you
> >>  are attempting to shield from criticisms here ?
> >
> >Thanks for rejecting the voting by Indian/Assamese
> >population.  This really  shows how much willing
> you
> >are to accept the verdict of people. You will
> surely
> >reject the referendum on similar flimsy ground that
> >these people do not know what they are doing.  And
> >before you jump on debate and discussion ,  if
> there
> >is a really free platform to debate (without
> threats
> >from some sections),  there will be many more voice
> >rejecting the Sovereignty issue. 
> >
> >As you have noticed,  the Assamese intellegsia has
> >already rejected Sovereign Assam theory (if you
> think
> >otherwise, tell me 10 prominent people of Assam who
> >support it);   you have already rejected the voting
> by
=== message truncated ===

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