Yes Ram. But what I wrote was in the CONTEXT of our discourse.

Let us not discard context.

At 12:56 PM -0600 10/3/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
>BTW, the meaning of the word INQUISITION, as you understand it and use it in "---that we did >not subject the leaders to frequent inquisitions," is NOT what it is. If you look it up, you will >know that it means: A rigorous, harsh, interrogation, one that disregards the privacy rights, feelings etc. >of the target. One that does not allow the target to ask questions, one sided inquiry.

C'da, excuse me for butting in. The is NOT the whole story. There are other meanings. See below (Highlighted ones) - straight from the dictionary. Hazarika, I am sure, could have used any of the other ones.
But to justify your point, (1) or (2) could be used :)
<> official investigation, esp. one of a political or religious nature, characterized by lack of regard for individual rights, prejudice on the part of the examiners, and recklessly cruel punishments.
2. 2. any harsh, difficult, or prolonged questioning.
3. 3. the act of inquiring; inquiry; research.
4. 4. an investigation, or process of inquiry.
5. 5. a judicial or official inquiry.
6. 6. the finding of such an inquiry.
7. 7. the document embodying the result of such inquiry


On 10/3/07, Chan Mahanta <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Hazarika. I knew I could count on you to see my genius in deflecting attention away from what matters most to the self-righteous . I shall remember your generosity in offering to nominate your not-so-humble servant for a Novel Prize :-).

But levity aside, allow me ask you and other wise folks once more, IF Utpal's aim was merely to assert that ULFA 's aims have no validity, WHY on earth does he or his fan club need Ruby Bhuyan or whoever to answer anything?

They already know they are right and ULFA is wrong. They can go right on with their monologs as some of our friends do right here in assamnet with the pomposity and certitude of God himself.

Am I spinning here? Is it an irrelevant question? An unreasonable one? One designed to obfuscate and muddy some higher truths?
Tell us H.  Go right ahead and mince no words. Educate us.

>AIM of GOALS , what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come across this phrase for the first >time in my life.

*** Sorry H, but conveniently cut and pasted words of mine to devalue what I wrote does not rescue your sinking effort here. I wrote:

"What is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary element of AIM of GOALS. "

I did however miss the comma between the two. That I remain guilty of. But to attempt to use that bit of typo, or solecism if you prefer, is riskier than groping at straws, won't you think?

 > If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS.

****Is that your best argument here H?

Good sermon, I am sure. But you need a flock to listen to it. I may be off the wall here, but somehow I get this feeling that ULFA is not about to make a beeline to listen to or pay heed to your sermon. What do you think?

BTW, the meaning of the word INQUISITION, as you understand it and use it in "---that we did not subject the leaders to frequent inquisitions," is NOT what it is. If you look it up, you will know that it means: A rigorous, harsh, interrogation, one that disregards the privacy rights, feelings etc. of the target. One that does not allow the target to ask questions , one sided inquiry.

Therefore, had you attempted to subject them to your 'inquisition', the results might have been less than what you have hoped for. Just like it won't work with ULFA today . To disregard it merely displays one's delusion, that's all.


At 10:53 PM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

What a wonderful deflection from the main issue. Chandan Mahanta, you are really a master at it. If there is a Nobel equivalent, I would strongly recommend you for the same.

Poor Utpal. I am sure he, and many like him, have been itching to ask them some questions which are lurking in the minds of almost all Assamese people. He got a chance and asked them, in plain, straight forward English language, without any ambiguity. So, attack his "design" in asking these questions, since, frankly, they and their sympathisers have no answers.

I remember, in one of the seminars organised by the students of the Assam Institute of Management on Assam's current critical problems, Sanjib Sabhapandit used a curious phrase: "Don't intellectualise Assam's problems." Well, here we are seeing an effort to intellectualise even simple and honest queries to those who seem to have solutions to Assam's problems.

No one in Assam is quite clear as to what these people are fighting for. A large number of the people of Assam believe that there is a big nexus that sustains them, that they are anything but revolutionaries, and when opportunities are provided to them to justify their actions, they run away and leave it to people like Chandan mahanta, ensconced in the middle of the USA, to obfuscate the issues on their behalf. This is indeed a gem:


Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?

It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the "hola gosot baagi kuthar mora" enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or should not.


AIM of GOALS, what a fantastically creative phrase. Frankly I have come across this phrase for the first time in my life. May I add, AIM of GOALS of OBJECTIVES?

If one has beliefs, one must be ready to face INQUISITIONS. In fact, the mistakes we made during the Assam Movement was that we did not subject the leaders to frequent inquisitions, which resulted in the movement being led astray.

Apologists, awake, arise and continue to give proxies for those who have lost the way long ago. After all you have nothing to lose.

Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 08:33:27 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a response!!

.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl, .ExternalClass ul, .ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li {padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;}

Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge the QUESTION.

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's sovereignty, is a sound and beneficial move for Assam? And if they are persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound, Utpal and others would SUPPORT it?

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own notions and beliefs, that it is

patently bad for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that their notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

Is it therefore REASONABLE to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of the intelligentsia here, if one can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?

It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', unlike ULFA, and who parade around wearing the garbs of pillars-of society do not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings of disappointment, not to mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the "hola gosot baagi kuthar mora" enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk to them, or should not.

What is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary element of AIM of GOALS. Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus Oxomiyas have given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as valuable as one Sanjoy Ghosh's.

Aimless exercises unfortunately lead to nowhere. With such pillars of society looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:

It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an "unhappy gang with their so-called education". And they would be 'selective' in answering their questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real questioners' after their 'background check done'.

Well, in case they have to do a background check in my case, let me tell you that my life has been an open book and if a background check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much these people are in touch with reality or the ground situations.

Incidentally, let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks done about these people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and what not. Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did not require much background check to find out why they did so, what was the nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the real losers if Majuli is genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. Obviously, they are buying time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we may call "saale bere kobowa" reply in the name of background checks and what not.

Also they have already said that they would ignore "halfwit questions and questioners". How more selective can your comfort zone be...

Interestingly, I was reading something today and I came across the follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists are doing very well out of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle they cannot aspire in times of peace. They have money, excitement and status: what more you seek in life?

Mantabya nisproyojan.

Shantikam Hazarika


Assam Institute of Management

PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India


Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66

To:  assamonline

ULFA invites genuine sincere questions from persons(not gangs) not happy with their so-called education ,wanting to KNOW how to fight and win their great future in sovereign Assam .

Firstly we will have background checks done on real (?) questioners. Please tolerate delays.

ULFA will ignore halfwit questions and questioners who think they already know and are already bonded mentally or monetarily.

 With  Best Regards to  respectable  Assamonliners,


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