It does not require any intellectual prattle to find out what has been the AIM 
of those who have raised the queries. They want to know what is the purpose of 
all the mayhem, that has disturbed the peace, have projected Assam in 
unfavourable light to the whole world and does not seem to end. If you have 
answers, provide them. If you do not have the answers, say so. 
Shantikam Hazarika

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 11:30:02 -0500To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
Re: [Assam] What a response!!

When a dialog was being sought,  one would have hope it had an aim, a goal.

In this instance, what was Utpal's  aim? 

Would  it be reasonable to assume that for the kind of people involved here it 
was to help find a solution for the impasse of a quarter century?

And what did it turn out to be?

Did the questions posed have a sincerity of purpose, of discussing the merits 
of each side's positions, hopefully to find common ground and a solution?

Can  an  observer not reasonably conclude  that it was in its entirety , 
without exceptions,  an inquisition;  of a dispatcher, by a band of obviously 
immature  and self-righteous  and self-impressed intellectual goons intent only 
on devaluing and insulting the hapless, messenger ill equipped to dish out in 

The start of the response cycle obviously  could very well have been an 
honorable one, to have a honest and sincere dialog, with some of Assam's most 
privileged and purportedly 'educated'.  Some education that must have been!  It 
could in no way, shape or form have been interpreted by the inquisitors  or 
well meaning observers  to have been a signal to submit to being insulted and 
to surrender the goals that thousands of their fellow men had given their lives 
for  or to concede that they have all been  wrong while their inquisitors alone 
are right.

Was it?

> Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating through the 
> net is intelligent >enough to find what is good for him and what is not.

*** If the aim was merely to assert one's own righteousness,  it played out 
just as expected. But  who needs it?

>What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for another.

*** That is profound.

At 4:52 PM +0100 10/3/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
When two parties talk, be it in catechism mode or a dialogue, it is inevitable 
that they would represent divers interests. Is there any pre-condition for 
Now, if the interests are so antgonistic that there is no point in beginning 
the discourse, then why should someone start a response cycle at all?
 Does Pakistan have to run a check on India while entering a dialogue or impose 
a pre-condition for conversion? Let everyone have his say. Each would find for 
himself, what is acceptable and what is not? I do not find any substance in the 
search for sincerity or any comment thereon.
 Intelligentsia or not, every human being capable of communicating through the 
net is intelligent enough to find what is good for him and what is not. What is 
saintly sermon for Mr. Laden may be blasphemy for Mr. Bush. Intelligentsia is 
not a defined monolith. What is intelligentsia for one may not be so for 
Is there  any scope for normative preachings here? Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
Before we pass judgement on the response, we also ought to be able to judge the 

What were the questions posed by Utpal designed to ?

To help him and others decide, if what ULFA has been fighting for, Assam's 
sovereignty,  is a  sound and beneficial  move for Assam? And if they are 
persuaded by ULFA's response that they are sound,  Utpal and others would 

Or were they designed to extract an admission from ULFA, that their own notions 
and beliefs, that it is
patently bad  for Assam, never mind HOW or WHY they have concluded that their 
notions and beliefs are the truly wise and considered opinions?

Is it therefore REASONABLE  to evaluate INTENT for ULFA before submitting 
itself to the INQUISITION?

Where is the ORDINARY integrity expected of  the intelligentsia here, if one 
can misuse the English word under the circumstances? The sincerity of purpose?
It is obvious that those who consider themselves the 'educated' and'wise', 
unlike ULFA, and  who parade around wearing the garbs of  pillars-of society do 
not think so and thus the eloquent outpourings  of disappointment, not to 
mention the offenses to their genteel sensitivities . Not just that, the 
self-fulfilling prophecies too of the band of braves indulging in the "hola 
gosot baagi kuthar mora" enterprise, justification why their masters don't talk 
to them, or should not.

What  is missing from the exercises is a rudimentary  element of AIM of GOALS.  
Never mind the need to explore the reasons WHY ten thousand plus Oxomiyas have 
given their lives. No doubt their lives were nearly not as valuable as one 
Sanjoy Ghosh's.

Aimless exercises unfortunately  lead to nowhere.  With such pillars of society 
looking after its well-being, one hardly needs enemies to tear it down.


At 11:19 AM +0530 10/3/07, shantikam hazarika wrote:
It seems that some of us are being branded as part of an "unhappy gang with 
their so-called education". And they would be 'selective' in answering their 
questions; which means they would only reply to 'sincere' questions, from 'real 
questioners' after their 'background check done'. Well, in case they have to do 
a background check in my case, let me tell you that my life has been an open 
book and if a background check is requird in my case, it simly shows how much 
these people are in touch with reality or the ground situations. Incidentally, 
let me also tell, that there has been enough background checks done about these 
people, their cohorts, sympathisers, beneficiaries, supporters, hangers one and 
what not. Lot of people already know who benefits from their actions, who are 
actually propping them up. For example when they killed Sanjay Ghosh, it did 
not require much background check to find out why they did so, what was the 
nexus behind that sordid deal and who would be the real losers if Majuli is 
genuinely saved in a very cost effective manner. Obviously, they are buying 
time to prepare some obfuscating response, what we may call "saale bere kobowa" 
 reply in the name of background checks and what not. Also they have already 
said that they would ignore "halfwit questions and questioners". How more 
selective can your comfort zone be... Interestingly, I was reading something 
today and I came across the follwoing phrase: The truth is that many terrorists 
are doing very well out of violence. Extortion rackets give them a lifestyle 
they cannot aspire in times of peace. They have money, excitement and status: 
what more you seek in life? Mantabya nisproyojan. 

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 17:17:14 +0100From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
Re: [Assam] assam Digest, Vol 26, Issue 66
To:  assamonline
  ULFA  invites  genuine  sincere questions  from persons(not gangs)  not happy 
with their  so-called education ,wanting  to KNOW how to fight and win their 
great future in sovereign Assam .
Firstly we will have background checks  done on  real (?) questioners. Please 
tolerate delays.   ULFA will ignore halfwit questions and questioners who think 
they already know and  are already bonded mentally or monetarily.  With  Best 
Regards to  respectable  Assamonliners,  Rubi--------------------


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