Same meaning - Imaginary Right?  As in Imaginary  Laaru. 
Hey, we didn't do too badly. Despite all conjectures :-), we do remember class 
X Assamese.

----- Original Message ----
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Dilip and Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Chandan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 9:22:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fw: Letter to the Editor.


The other common usage of 'alaax'  is in 'alaaxor laaru'


At 7:00 PM -0700 6/13/08, Dilip and Dil Deka wrote:

You are correct.

'Alaaxot Sang Pota' is what I remember from usage. In fact it was a standard 
question in Assamese literature class (interpretation of 'Phokora-zozona') and 
I remember answering that Alaax must have meant something intangible and 
imaginary, when a sang (bridge or shelf) needs some tangible support.



----- Original Message ----
From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 7:50:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fw: Letter to the Editor.

>.You  meant akaaxot

No, not really. I meant 'alaaxot'. 'alaaxot ssang-pota'  is an
authentic Oxomiya phrase :-).

At 6:01 AM +0530 6/14/08, mc mahant wrote:
><'Expectation is the mother of all disappointments'.( maybe also Unhappiness)
>And <'alaaxot  saang-pota kotha'> ( daydreaming).You  meant akaaxot
>mm> Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:01:32 -0500> To: assam@assamnet.org>
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Assam] Fw: Letter to the
>Editor.> > > I am also curious about the PREMISE of KJD's
>letter:> > > The Asomiya language in the USA has already been put to
>sleep by > >the Asomiyas themselves> > > *** First off, how can a
>language die in a particular locale, when it > did not even LIVE
>there?> > When did the Oxomiya language take root in US shores? It
>is a > preposterous proposition. Surely a minuscule number of
>immigrants > spread out over a continent three times the land mass
>of India, > speaking the language at home or friends with infrequent
>contact > could not possibly establish a language that could be even
>remotely > considered a living one.> > > *** KJD make some good
>points, like the amusing spectacle of > conducting a debate about
>the health of Oxomiya language in the USA > in English, or
>conducting an entire Oxomiya bor-xobaah in English. > But then again
>it only reaffirms the logistical challenges of > communicating in a
>language that has NOT even taken hold. A sizable > segment of the
>next generation of Oxomiya immigrants would not > understand what is
>going on, if conducted entirely in Oxomiya.> > One can therefore
>beat up on the parents who failed to teach their > progeny their
>ancestral language. But that is NOT going to change > anything,
>other than perhaps give some dubious satisfaction of > venting
>personal dislikes or assertion of self-righteousness.> > *** But I
>would not despair. There will always be those who are > interested
>and have the ability to learn the language of their > forebears. And
>they will keep the Oxomiya language in the USA, in > formaldehyde
>like a specimen in a museum, caught in a time-warp, > speaking a
>language that has been long forsaken by the Oxomiyas > themselves as
>they march on the highway of evolution. It has no > chance of being
>anything else. To expect otherwise will be 'alaaxot > saang-pota
>kotha' ( daydreaming).> > > *** Finally, KJD's disappointments in
>this matter is a result of > unrealistic expectations. As the sixth
>principle of happiness in the > MSBSP Book of Wisdoms says
>'Expectation is the mother of all > disappointments'.> > > Your
>What-Me-Worry Kharkhowa Compatriot,> > cm> > > > > > > > > > > > At
>12:48 AM -0500 6/13/08, Rajen & Ajanta Barua wrote:> > Dear KJD> >
>Thanks for the intellectual and timely article on Oxomiya
>Bhaxa > >(Assamese Language) published in the Sentinel. This is an
>important > >and sensitive subject and you have touched some truths.
>However I > >find that overall, the article has given a rather one
>sided and > >distorted view of the Assamese in America, and people
>in Assam might > >get the impression that we Assamese in America
>donot speak Assamese > >at all. It is basically to correct this
>view, that I have decided to > >comment on your article.> >> > First
>I am glad that you are addressing the 'Assamese language
>in > >America' and not 'Assamese language in Assam'. These are
>two > >separate issues. Writing about the 'demise of Assamese
>language in > >America', you are hitting on the bull's eye and on a
>real problem. > >The same is however not true for the Assamese
>language in general as > >many of us like to imagine. The Assamese
>language in general will > >flow as long as the river luit will
>flow.> >> > As you have pointed out like many other languages, the
>'Assamese > >language in America' will eventually die out. If any
>one does the > >numerical analysis, this is inevitable, and frankly
>speaking there > >is no point in being emotional or critical about
>it. The Tie Ahoms > >lost their mother tongue in Assam the same way.
>The issue of > >inevitability is however not reflected your article.
>Rather you are > >showing as if it is a news for all of us and
>especially to the > >Assamese people back home.> >> > That being
>said, let us not bring death to the 'Assamese language > >in
>America' prematurely. The fact is the Assamese language
>in > >America is not dead yet. You wrote "....most of the
>Asomiyas, > >belonging to the in-between generation, if not all, do
>not speak > >their mother tongue at all." I am sure most Assamese in
>America > >would not agree with you. In fact, we still have most
>Assamese > >converse in Assamese when we meet together in Assamese
>parties and > >we have many Assamese children who speak fluent
>Assamese. Not only > >that, we have writers and poets in the country
>who writes in > >Assamese. Thus your statement, "The Asomiya
>language in the USA has > >already been put to sleep by the Asomiyas
>themselves," is a bit > >exaggeration, highly controversial and
>frankly speaking not true.> >> > Leaving aside the above
>exaggeration, let us see the reasons cited > >by you for the
>eventual demise of the Assamese language in America. > >You wrote,
>"It is too facile of an argument, often made by the > >expatriate
>Asomiyas, that teaching children their native language > >interferes
>with the English language development." Frankly speaking, > >I find
>this absolutely a wrong assumption. I donot think there are > >any
>such unfortunate and ignorant Assamese in America (or
>elsewhere) > >who sincerely believe the above outdated theory and
>that is why they > >donot teach Assamese to their children. The
>actual reason why the > >parents donot teach Assamese to their
>children is plain and simple. > >We are too laid back, hobo diok and
>lazy. At the same time, there > >are many parents, like us, who
>speak to their children in Assamese. > >Now formal teaching of
>Assamese is a different matter altogether > >which must have to be a
>community effort. As communities we are > >small everywhere and
>where we can, frankly speaking we are lazy and > >take our usual
>'hoobo diok' attitude. It is not because we Assamese > >donot have
>pride in our culture and language, as we have said. On > >the other
>hand, I think we (the NRI Assamese) have too much pride in > >the
>Assamese language and culture. That is why we celebrate
>Bihu > >almost everywhere in the globe now a days. That is why we
>meet > >annually in two places at the same fourth of July every
>years in > >America.> >> > Coming to your concluding remark on
>teaching Assamese, "One would > >fall off the chair to learn that
>the entire affair is conducted in > >English! I am at a loss to
>understand as to how on earth one can > >pass one's culture and
>heritage on to their progeny by merely > >holding Bihu function once
>in a year without impressing upon their > >children the importance
>of learning their own language which is the > >essence of any
>culture." On this I am with you. I agree that it > >seems a bit
>hypocritical for the Assamese in Houston to debate in > >English
>during the Bihu about the 'demise of the Assamese language > >in
>Assam'. I think it is not only hypocritical bu rather wastage
>of > >time. I would have rather spent the time teaching Assamese to
>our > >children, which in fact I had suggested strongly. > >> >
>Overall I think your article will play very well in Assam
>where > >people are ready to judge the NRIs on wrong assumptions
>like we the > >NRIs like to judge Assam often time on wrong
>assumptions. I hope we > >are learning.> >> > Incidentally some of
>us are trying to come up with a scheme to > >teach basic Assamese to
>the children. Please watch out for some good > >news.> >> > BTW I
>will send a verson of this writing to Sentinel so that > >people in
>Assam will not hold to the wrong impression that we donot > >speak
>in Assamese at all. etc> >> > Thanks> > Rajen
>Kokaideu> >> >> >> >> >> >> > ----- Original Message -----> > From:
>kamal deka> > To: Rajen & Ajanta Barua> > Sent: Sunday, June 08,
>2008 9:04 AM> > Subject: Letter to the
>Editor.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 
>> > > > > > > > > > > > > >> >
>The Demise of Asomiya Language in America> > Half of the world's
>6,000 languages, > >as estimated by the United Nations, will go the
>way of the dinosaurs > >in less than a century. In fact one falls
>out of use about every two > >weeks. Usually, the life of a language
>comes to an end when the > >speakers of the language stop speaking
>it for any reason. The > >Asomiya language in the USA has already
>been put to sleep by the > >Asomiyas themselves, which is the
>product of parental failure to > >inculcate a sense of pride in our
>ancient culture and language. > >After all, diet and dialect are
>perhaps the emblems of any society. > >The abdication of the Asomiya
>parents makes it easy for the Asomiya > >children here in America to
>follow the path of least resistance by > >imitating their American
>peers. The result : most of the Asomiyas, > >belonging to the
>in-between generation, if not all, do not speak > >their mother
>tongue at all.> > It is too facile of an argument, > >often made by
>the expatriate Asomiyas, that teaching children their > >native
>language interferes with the English language development.
>It > >would, therefore, be better to focus on English than teach
>a > >language that is going to be of limited use in this country.
>This > >line of reasoning, in my opinion, does not seem to have two
>legs to > >stand for a few simple reasons.> > First, research
>consistently points > >to the cognitive and academic advantages of
>being bilingual, no > >matter what the second language is. But the
>Asomiya parents are not > >dissuaded by multilingual pre-schoolers
>reading earlier and faster > >than their monolingual counterparts.
>The young child's alloplastic > >mind is fertile ground for a
>multitude of ideas. Far from stunting > >mastery in English,
>learning another language enhances a child's > >ability to learn
>English by expanding linguistic structure and > >syntax.
>Furthermore, most children passively acquire English
>through > >ubiquitous interactions with teachers and fellow
>schoolmates at > >school, television and on the street. Conversely,
>they imbibe their > >native language only at home.> > Secondly, when
>Americans themselves > >have begun to realize that this land is not
>a melting pot but rather > >a rich mosaic, it is ironic that many of
>us still cling to the > >archaic philosophy of Romans in Rome.
>Thankfully, the Asomiyas here > >in America do not live in such a
>rigid world where they have to > >choose between extremes.> >
>Thirdly, there is another powerful > >benefit that is relevant to
>our children growing up here and that is > >in helping them a strong
>sense of identity which can help lead to > >better self-esteem and
>self-confidence.> > The Asomiya diaspora of the USA > >insists and
>claims that the foremost reason of celebrating Bihu is > >to
>transmit - and preserve - our culture to the next generation.
>One > >would fall off the chair to learn that the entire affair
>is > >conducted in English! I am at a loss to understand as to how
>on > >earth one can pass one's culture and heritage on to their
>progeny by > >merely holding Bihu function once in a year without
>impressing upon > >their children the importance of learning their
>own language which > >is the essence of any culture.> > Kamaljit
>Deka,> > Sugarland, Texas.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> >> >
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