This is an aside, not a comment on any particular issue. While going through a 
piece of news item yesterday, I found that Assam Tribal Sangha has decided to 
celebrate this 15 August as the day of deception. 

The particular point highlighted was the guarantee of employment to hills 
tribes, plains tribes and scheduled castes by the Constitution of India. [I am 
not sure whether Sri K J Deka refers to this kind of reservation by the 
constitutive document with the poser " Why create a divisive ethos in the first 
place?" I am not into that] At present, according to the communique, there is 
some sort of a court of the High Court, asking the State Government to follow 
the "Roster System" ( a procedure for implementation of the provisions of the 
Constitution  regarding reservation in case of employment) even in case of 
contract appointments, pending final decision on the issue. The Sangha has 
stated in the release that about 6000+ appointments have been made by the 
Education Minister on contractual basis with total disregard for the "Roster 
System" and employments are being   doled out to non-tribal people depriving 
them of constitutional guarantee by colored
 exercise of power flouting even the court order.
Could this, the fact that despite the provisions like autonomy, reservations 
etc. ingrained in the interstices of the Constitution, which theoretically the 
people of India had given to themselves and are bound to adhere to, are not 
implemented by the Ruling Polity and have become advertisement or big promises 
only to be used for the purpose of deceit  for whatever reason, be one of the  
causes for the fisiparous  tendencies resulting in clamor for autonomy, 
sovereignty, separate state, separate Ulubari / Uzan Bazar etc? 
Is it the lack of opportunity in real life more than the absence of constraints 
in theory that is leading to the centripetal forces within the society?
Whether 'reservation' 'promises in the accords like Assam Accord/ Bodo accord', 
'autonomy' ' reservation for women' 'reservation for physically handicapped' 
'Special lavatory for those bound to wheel chairs'etc. that create special 
categories in divers walks of life should necessarily cause a divisive ethos or 
is it a necessary recognition to social and historical reality of uneven 
development in a particular society attempting to give equal opportunity, is a 
highly contentious issue,  and has already led to much turmoil, which, I 
suppose, we may not be able to sum up in a sentence or two here.

kamal deka kjit.deka at 
 In a land of diversity, when a person of a majority community -- not
necessarily in terms of religion -- is told that another's culture is
very different from his and thus must be "protected" at all costs, the
minorities are automatically regarded as "them." And when that
"protection" impinges on the rights of the majority, the minorities
come to be seen as the "enemy." This is simply human nature, not in
any government's control. However, resentments simmer and, at a time
of crisis, quickly turn into acts of violence. Which acts, of course,
are controllable by the law of the land. But my question is: Why
create a divisive ethos in the first place??

 That "individual basis" is what true secularism is all about.
Secularism exists when the State does not espouse a religion; lets its
citizens follow their different faiths even while preventing any one
from intruding on the others; and treats all religions equally --
regardless of the number of people following each religion. Meaning,
whether the majority or the minority community, one rule applies to
all. "Special-interest groups" does not make for national unity and
never will -- only assimilation can.Unless we achieve this goal,it
will be a wild goose chase to think of those lofty ideals like " One
Global village" or " World without boundaries"


Uttam Kumar Borthakur

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