
Just because Iraqi or Palestinian SBs might invoke THEIR version of the Koran, 
does not mean that it either represents the Koran truly or the faith of ALL 
Muslims, so that we a could be free to pass judgement on the faith of all 

I mentioned the Hindu  SB only because of Ram's and others' propensity to 
paint SB as a purely Muslim phenomenon.

To discount the desperation out of which SBs give up their lives, for the 
cause,however wrong it might be, perpetuates the bloodletting.

BTW, Singapore has some laws tghat could be considered draconian by 
others. But it IS a democratic state, that has found it useful to enforce their 
laws, with functioning police, prosecuting sysystems and courts, ALL based 
on the British system, just like India's is. And funny thing is that a very 
significant percentage of the Singapore population consists of the genetically 
challenged and 'morally deficient' Indians, including legislators, lawyers, 
police officials and judges. You go figure that.


> Date: 2005/05/18 Wed PM 10:25:03 EDT
> To: Assam@pikespeak.uccs.edu
> Subject: [Assam] It takes a village

Cd wrote " Just look at Singapore".Let me eschew from Singapore for a moment,promising to return in short while.A short comment on LTTE.It reminds me of Shabana Azmi,who once said " The pan-Islamic terrorism is a myth---it is strange that the Hiroshima bombings were never called Christian terrorism,the LTTE's actions is never called Hindu terrorism". Well, to the best of knowledge,Sri Lanka's militant Tamils include Hindus,Christians and Muslims.Moreover, they donot quote the Gita to justify their terrorism,nor were the A-bombs dropped in the name of Christ.In contrast,notes left behind by the Muslim suicide bombers invariably mention the name of Allah,justifying their course of action.This is not to say that such actions can be directly yoked to the religion itself.

Now,let's return to Singapore.This takes me back to the question of paternalistic government.Theoritically,the benevolent dictator may turn into a despot and in that case one does not have theoritical checks for cubing the the power-drives of rulers.But when a democratic government fails to deliver the least to its citizens repeatedly ,why not try for an alternative form of government,at least for a certain period of time till things are fixed? And Singapore is a glittering example of paternalistic government,where things seem to be in a good shape under a benevolent dictator.


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