That was a typo, opinions....our customers usually dictate needs many times

Scott ford

On Jun 4, 2012, at 9:00 AM, Scott Ford <> wrote:

> Martin,
> As the say options are like ...everyone had one...your entitled to yours
> Scott ford
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 8:27 AM, Martin Truebner <> wrote:
>> Tony,
>>>>> I have yet to find that VSE-customer that pays for Vendor-software and
>>> has no money for hardware or operating-system-software AND demands
>>> new features.
>> We have several that meet this requirement. Think about the VSE 2.6 on
>> P390 ESL boxes.
>> I can imagine customers running that- but asking for new features?
>> This is like asking for an aircondition in a Ford T.
>> --
>> Martin
>> Pi_cap_CPU - all you ever need around MWLC/SCRT/CMT in z/VSE
>> more at

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