Thanks Gerhard, I feel the same way, especially when you work for a small 
company and your the only one writing Assembler, with customers asking for 

Scott ford

On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:49 AM, Gerhard Postpischil <> wrote:

> On 6/3/2012 8:52 AM, John Gilmore wrote:
>> Gerhard's point is not so easily dismissed; but 1) it is
>> self-defeating for the technology if pushed very far: it freezes
>> software in a posture that is now more than fifteen years behind the
>> state of the art; and 2) the market for even moderately-priced
>> software among MVT-using hobbyists is very small.  Still, seriously
>> pursued dual-path software is is certainly viable.
> Supporting obsolete systems is a labor of love; I see no reason
> to impute financial objectives to their support. For example,
> Dave Cole has offered the MVS version of XDC for free, except no
> copy of this version of it has been found.
>> As a now certified élitist, I am nevertheless unrepentent.  Urgings
>> about compatibility requirements and the like usually hide Luddite
>> impulses, reluctance to accommodate the (not very) new, which account
>> for a good many of the troubles that the mainframe community is
>> experiencing.
> If I were responsible for a Fortune 500 company, I would be
> leery of making changes solely to avoid consideration as a
> Luddite. And for a mission critical business application, I
> certainly would prefer a machine optimized compiler over
> assembler (programmers should provide global optimization).
> My approach is pragmatic - use the appropriate tools best suited
> for the task at hand. If that means consciously deciding on old
> code reuse rather than new development, that may prove faster
> and cheaper in the long run. But I agree that old code should
> not be used simply because a programmer is not up to speed on
> new features.
> Gerhard Postpischil
> Bradford, VT

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